Thursday, 12 September 2024 07:43

Short Biography of Fr. Michael I. Miller, MSC

Short Biography of Fr. Michael I. Miller, MSC, US Provincial

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I am Fr. Michael I. Miller, MSC, the newly elected Provincial of the MSC-USA Province. As of September 1, I begin this new ministry to serve the members of the province and other members of the Church.

I professed religious vows in 1978 and was ordained a priest in 1985. My first assignment was as parochial vicar in Holy Family parish, Nazareth, PA. In 1989 I accepted the assignment to be a missionary in Colombia, South America. While there I was pastor at two parishes, worked as a formation director for our theology students, served our MSC community as Sectional treasurer and volunteered as a chaplain at Kennedy Hospital in Bogota’.  I also supervised the construction and completion of building the “new” (begun in 1986) church at St. Margaret Mary parish in Bogota’. When I was the formation director of our theology students in Colombia, many of them were recipients of scholarships from the Foundation.

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In 2005 the provincial assigned me to be pastor of St. Therese of the Child Jesus parish, Aurora, IL, where I served for 13 years. Then Father General, Mario Abzalón Alvarado Tovar, appointed me as the Secretary General in Rome where I ministered until this current appointment.


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My term as provincial is for three years. By the grace of God, I hope to be worthy to serve those I meet. Please pray for me as I will for you.