Friday, 02 August 2024 20:43

Some Significant Days for the Chevalier Family, August, 2024

Some Significant Days for the Chevalier Family, August, 2024


See August 1st, 14th, 27th, 30th, Mother Marie Louise Hartzer and OLSH missionaries

1 August, 1879

The Italian Annals of OLSH are from now on published in Rome instead of Osimo, Italy.

1 August, 1887

The first four FDNSC Sisters arrive at Yule Island, PNG

1 August, 1967

The Irish MSC and their first project in Venezuelan, the parish of Our Lady of Coronato in Maracaibo

3 August, 1899

First community of MSC Sisters is established in Hiltrup, Germany: two Sisters of Divine Providence and one MSC candidate. Sister Servatia, one of the Divine Providence Sisters, is appointed first Superior General of the MSC Sisters, Hiltrup.

3 August, 1950

Fr L. Koppert MSC dies in Rome. He had been in charge of the International MSC Scholastic that since 1924.

4 August, 1859

cure of ars

The saintly Curé d'Ars, Jean-Marie Vianney, dies, shortly after the visit of Father Chevalier on 14 July, 1859.

5 August, 1951

Inauguration of the new parish of Our Lady of Fatima in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

5 August, 1982

MSC Sisters open a Novitiate in Bangalore, India.

6 August, 1930

Fr John Doyle MSC, Australia, arrives in Sideia/Samarai, Eastern Papua. He will later become the first Bishop of Sideia

6 August, 1986

The Canonical Erection of the UAF (Union of French-speaking Africa) on June 18 becomes effective. Father Karl Hofer is the first superior.

6 August, 1988

St Pauls National seminary for Late Vocations, founded at Kensington in 1968, has its 200th ordination to the priesthood.

8 August, 1909


Death of St Mary MacKillop Australia’s first saint – one of the priests who anointed her was Fr Matthew Smith MSC (and a plaque commemorating this in OLSH parish church, Randwick).

10 August, 1928

Fr Karl Laufer MSC, German province, is ordained a priest at Paderborn. He gained fame as missionary and anthropologist in New Britain, PNG.

11 August, 1905

MSC General Chapter at Louvain, in Belgium. Decisions taken were:  to revise the Constitutions of Father Founder, to move the Generalate to Rome, and to drop the \'fourth\' vow. This \'Vow of Stability\' could be taken by individual members to stay in the congregation until death, and also included being willing to be sent on mission anywhere in the world by the Pope or religious superior.

11 August, 1908.

Arrival of the first eight MSC sisters from Germany in the US.

12 August, 1855

After a retreat in a Trappist monastery, Father Charles Piperon decides “to live and die as a religious”.

13 August, 1890

Blessing of the new MSC House in Tilburg, Holland.

13 August, 1904

baining msc

The Baining Martyrs: Father M. Rascher, together with three MSC confreres, a Trappist Brother, five MSC Sisters and seven Catholic Bainings, are killed in the Baining Mountains, East New Britain, PNG.

14 August, 1895

Arrival of the first FDNSC in Nonouti, Gilbert Islands (Kiribati).

14 August, 1905

Foundation of the mission station at Merauke, Irian Jaya, Indonesia.

14 August, 1981

The first MSC novitiate of the South African Region, entrusted to the Irish province, opened in Ofcolaco with three novices.

15 August, 1905

Fr E.Meyer is elected superior general (1905-1920).

15 August, 1919

Erection of the Dutch MSC province.

15 August, 1946

Arrival of the first nine Italian MSC in Pinheiro, Brazil.

15 August, 1945


MSC Sisters in PNG are released from Ramale Camp, New Britain.

15 August, 2003  
Feast of the Assumption, the starting day of MSC Vietnam…when first four received into the postulancy….great day
Nowadays, professions are usually held on that day.

16 August, 1869

The Archbishop of Bourges blesses the MSC novitiate at Montlucon, a distance of five minutes from the church of St Paul where Father Guyot, the first novice Master, his parish priest.

18 August, 1920

Father Adrian Brocken, Holland, is elected Period General (1920-1932)

19 August, 1923

Archbishop Louis Coupe, Vicar Apostolic of Rabaul from 1890-1923, retires.


20 August, 1848

This date remembers the death of Jean-Charles Chevalier,  the father of Jules Chevalier.

20 August, 1926

Fr Bernardus Weidenbrugge, one of the 14 Trappist who joined the MSC in Belgian Congo, Zaire, in 1926, makes his first profession.

21 August, 1882

Fr Andre Navarre and his two companions arrive in Sydney on the way to the mission of Melanesia. They are welcomed by the Marist Fathers. A week later they are able to leave for Port Breton with a ship of the Marquis de Ray.

21 August, 1988

olsh kiribai

Three Kiribati Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart leave from Majuro, the first foundation in the Marshall Islands.

22 August, 1985

Two MSC sisters of the Peruvian Province depart for the Dominican Republic to start a new mission

24 August, 1863

In the presence of the notary public, Brinet, an act is signed by M, de Champgrand stating that Fr Jules Chevalier has obtained possession of the whole property at its centre.

24 August, 1946

Fr Andre Sorin MSC consecrated in OLSH church Randwick as the Vicar Apostolic of Moresby.

25 August, 1905

Erection of the French province.

25 August, 1985

Fathers Arguillas and Ceniza, Philippines, take possession of the first MSC house in Seoul, Korea.

26 August, 1902

Erection of the first MSC house in Switzerland, at pre-Borg

27 August, 1837

hartzer birthday

This date recalls the birth of Marie-Louise Mestmann (Hartzer) in Wissembourg, France.


28 August, 1901

Fr Chevalier asks Rome to accept his resignation as Superior General and to grant him a decree of “secularisation pro forma” for as long as the situation demands. Both requests were granted.

29 August, 1920

irian jaya

The Apostolic Prefecture of Dutch New Guinea, Irian Jaya, Indonesia, becomes an Apostolic Vicariate.

29 August, 1965,

Fr Cadoux MSC, France, appointed Bishop of Koalack, Senegal, ordained at Issoudun.

30 August, 1874   -  2024, 150th Anniversary

olsh 150 indonesia

Foundation of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart by Father Chevalier in Issoudun, as a Sister Congregation to the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart.

30 August, 1948

Arrival in Argentina of the first two MSC fathers, Chelsea Megiddo and Bonito Camino, Spain.

30 August, 1983

The Congregation for Religious approves the updated version of the Constitutions of the FDNSC – Constitutions originally drawn up by Fr Chevalier himself.

31 August, 1960

msc sists

Erection of the Australian Province of the MSC Sisters.