Monday, 29 July 2024 22:23

International MSC news, Philippines province

International MSC news, Philippines province

 cor vitae

Cor Vitae Formators Training (Manila)

Chris Chaplin, MSC, is in the Philippines to facilitate some sessions with the participants of Cor Vitae’s nine-month formation training. This year, there are a total of 14 MSC Sisters, FDNSC, and MSC priests participating.

For July, Chris will be facilitating sessions on Integrity in Ministry, Facilitation, Fr. Chevalier and his times, and the Spirituality of the Heart.

Chris shares that the participating formators, together with the Cor Vitae Team: Sr. Cathie Mwagioidi and Sr. Cecilia Kim, are a wonderfully engaged group to work with.



Loyola School of Theology and Ateneo de Manila University



We congratulate Sch. Melvin Ellaga, M.S.C for completing the Baccalaureate in Sacred Theology and Master in Spirituality and Retreat Directing. May your theological studies inspire you to engage, accompany, and journey with the people of God especially the poor and the little ones.


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We would also like to congratulate Rev. Fr. Nguyen Dinh Thi, MSC for completing the Integral Vocational Accompaniment program at the Loyola School of Theology.


On August 30, 2024, Frt. Melvin Ellaga, MSC will be ordained to the sacred order of deacons by his Most Rev. Honesto Ontiongco, DD Bishop of Cubao.


Laity of the Chevalier Family

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Chevalier Family Lay Associates with our National Spiritual companion Fr. Bong MSC and Trigeneralate Fr. Gene Pejo, MSC

ph lay group