Thursday, 25 July 2024 17:50

Colors of Evil: Red

colors of eveil

COLORS OF EVIL: RED/ Kolory zla. Czerwien


Poland, 2024, 111 minutes, Colour.

Jakub Gierszal,  Maja Ostaszewska.

Directed by Adrian Panak.


This is a Polish police investigation, a murder mystery, connections with a case from 20 years earlier, official police thwarting the investigation, a young investigator, ambitious, taking on the investigation himself but approaching the mother of the victim, a judge, and joining with her in the investigation.

The young police officer is quite sympathetic, the mother, the judge, antagonistic, personal problems in her own life with her husband. However, they begin to get clues, visit crime scenes, make connections with clubs at a resort, move into the area of organised crime, vice and exploitation – with a final confrontation and revelation.

Familiar material in so many ways – but crime investigations are usually intriguing and interesting.

  1. Crime investigation? Based on actual characters and events?
  2. The Polish setting, cities, homes, countryside, mansions, police precincts? The musical score?
  3. The title, the focus on evil, red blood? The visuals of crime, victims, groom and horror?
  4. The situation, the background of the murdered girl, her relationship with her mother, leaving home, at the club, getting the job, the risky life, the manager, the staff? Her death? The body on the beach?
  5. Leopold, as police, detective, young, studies, career, ambitions? The attitude of other police? His investigations, the lack of cooperation? His continued investigations, the identity of the murdered girl, the discovery of similarity of murder 15 years earlier? The background of the accused, his being found guilty, in prison, declarations of innocence, the repercussions on his life, out of prison, suspicions again, his suicide?
  6. Helena, her role as a judge, seen in the court, Leopold and the news of her daughter’s death? Her reactions? Her decision to collaborate with Leopold, using her influences and connections for information? Their work together?
  7. The murders in the past, discovery of further murders? The search for a serial killer?
  8. The background of the club, the visits, the staff, the owner? His mansion, lifestyle? His being interrogated, reactions?
  9. The mystery, the investigation, the suspects? Leopold and his work, perseverance, the effect? Helena on a mission?
  10. The buildup to the finale, the confrontation, the revelation of the wealthy owner, his self-assertion, guilt? The solution of the crime?