How did you celebrate the feast of the Sacred Heart?
Here are two stories – by way of contrast.
Each year, Fr Terry Bowman hosts an evening Mass for the Chevalier family in Melbourne and for parishioners of St Thomas, Blackburn. And, each year there is a guest speaker on Heart Spirituality and a Justice outreach. With the recent death of Jean Vanier, it seemed appropriate to invite a member of L’ Arche.
Our speaker was Fiona Winn, also a Uniting Church minister, who had investigated our Heart Spirituality, quoting our motto. She reminded us that L’Arche with its communities for those with disabilities has an aim of transforming the world, heart by heart.
By way of contrast, Bishop Rochus Tatamai MSC, bishop of Kavieng in New Ireland, PNG, describes the celebration on the island of Lihar.
“Feastday of the Sacred Heart of Jesus at St Clement Parish Lihir Island was animated by the MSC Lay Associates with the Parish communities.
It was well attended with active participation during the preparation stages the actual celebration and then the social activities.
Full credit to everyone for making it a truly family celebration day with everyone in order and respect for the common good.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved. Now & forever.”