Wednesday, 15 May 2024 22:32

Into the Australian MSC Archives

Into the Australian MSC Archives

ted and nurses Copy

One of the most interesting characters in the Australian province was Fr. Ted McGrath, often called by his name, Timothy McGrath MSC. In John Bovenmars’ Jules Chevalier, Daily Readings, the heading for May 17th is, “1977, “Death of Father Timothy McGrath MSC (AUS), co-founder of a Religious Congregation, Our Lady’s Nurses for the Poor.


There is more than a straightforward story behind that heading, “ a Religious Congrergation”. While Father McGrath helped Eileen O’Connor, Servant of God, in the establishing of Our Lady’s Nurses in 1913, his help was viewed with suspicion by some authorities. He left Australia as a war chaplain, serving with honours in World War I – then not returning to Australia until 1941. He was a man who was able to overcome long-term criticism.

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His story has been told by John Hosie, A Lonely Road, a significant story, his contribution in helping Eileen O’Connor in her mission.



On the 21st, 1899, John Bovenmars’ entry is: “First vows of Brother Robert South, first Lay-Brother of the Australian province”.

It was Brother Robert who, on December 7 1904, formally “took possession of the keys” from the acting caretaker of the estate, Nepean Towers, purchased by the province to become St Mary’s Towers. He was certainly a pioneer in the province, the first of a significant number of brothers and their ministry. He died in 1956. His portrait was painted by noted artist, Edmund Smith , who had also painted Father Chevalier. Robert South’s portrait hangs in the community room at St Mary’s Towers Douglas Park.