Monday, 29 April 2024 21:54

Kangaroo Island, The 70th Celebration of Faithfulness! Some MSC service.

Kangaroo Island, The 70th Celebration of Faithfulness! Some MSC service.

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Paul Cashen sent this post – and asks if any visitor to the site could add any more information or some photos, please send them to him.

The Missionaries of the Sacred Heart connection with KI began when Fr Jim Fallon MSC began his four years of ministry in 1995. He visited the island on a weekly basis, either for one weekend or a week at a time. Sr Carmel Clarke RSJ, the pastoral associate, began with Fr Jim to select and prepare members of the community especially, so that they would be pastoral ministry when priests and religious were not available.


Carmel Clarke RSJ

Neither Fr Jim nor Sr Carmel were living on the island full time, and so when ferries and planes were cancelled because of bad weather, there was a need for the pastoral care in the community. Fr Jim and Sr Carmel saw it was their responsibility to assist members of the community to respond with pastoral care for those in need, and also to provide  the services required to maintain the three church communities at Kingscote, Penneshore and Pandana (at that time).

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Their efforts established a solid basis for the laity to bring pastoral care, for instance in preparing children for the sacramental and also support for the sick or elderly.   Fr Jim transferred to Canberra in 2000 because of his health and age.

 By then he had  developed a steady flow of MSC priests from the Hindmarsh and the Henley parishes to provide regular mass and the sacraments.

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This commitment by the MSC was maintained until 2012 when the Parish Priest of Noarlunga was given the responsibility of KI. However, from time to time the MSC have been  asked to supply pastoral care.

In 2023 I was able to assist with supply during the Holy Week - Easter time. It was a privilege to be with the community again. I enjoyed their commitment to the organisation and the celebration required for the ceremonies. Their friendliness was manifest in the number of those who came before, during and after these ceremonies. It stood out as we enjoyed the Easter celebrations of our faith.

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This reminded me that Pope Francis had encouraged us to focus on our baptismal call “to be missionary disciples”. The KI Catholic Community has been able to live up to this call, through their service to the community and their care for those who are on the margins. A community that expressed, and continued to seek and share a deeper faith in God’s love.

On behalf of the MSCs who have been privileged to serve with so many committed and caring people. We thank and congratulate them on the 70th anniversary of their community and for the friendship and their missionary endeavour across Kangaroo Island.   

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Paul Cashen MSC