Saturday, 27 April 2024 09:10

Cor Vitae, the MSC International Centre, especially for Asia-Pacific. New home, Manila.

Cor Vitae, the MSC International Centre, especially for Asia-Pacific.  New home, Manila.

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“Rediscover Within the Source of Living Water”

Cor Vitae has found a new home: The Sacred Heart Scholasticate of the MSC Philippine Province. It houses the MSC theology students and MSC priest- students from different countries. Thank you, dear brother MSC – Philippine Province: Frs. Provincial Edwin Borlasa, Fabian Cayetano, bursar, James Espuerta, JayAr Babor and Tans Legaspino, formators of theology students.

Some of you might have lived or visited this place. It is located in No. 10 – 17th St., New Manila, QC 1112 Philippines.

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Fr. Abzalón Alvarado Tovar MSC Superior General blessed the new Cor Vitae Facilities on February 2, 2024. The beginning of Cor Vitae program. We have been delighted to have him with us. Thank you Fr. Abzalón.

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The Cor Vitae Formation Team 2024

Cathie Mwagioidi, FDNSC (Papua New Guinea) —Coordinator Cecilia Kim, MSC (Korea) —Treasurer

Ben Alforque, MSC (Philippines) —Secretary

Tans Legaspino, MSC (Philippines) —Co-Journeyer, 2nd February—2nd November 2024

With MSC Fr. Superior General, Fr. Abzalón Alvarado Tovar, MSC

The 14 Participants of Cor Vitae Formators Program 2024

4 from Indonesia: Yohanetta FDNSC, Amanda FDNSC, Everardus MSC and Wensislaus MSC

3 from Kiribati: Maria FDNSC, Rataro MSC and Tokabwebwe MSC

3 from Papua New Guinea: Everlyn MSC, Lawarencia FDNSC and Thomas MSC 2 from India: Nirmala MSC and Sathish MSC

1 from China: Teresa MSC

1 from the Philippines: John Awa MSC     

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We have just begun our Intercultural Living of the Spirituality of the Heart.

The initial structures of our Community Life are as follows.

  1. We have permanent intercultural communities that give us opportunities to discover, support and liberate each other more deeply and

The permanent communities are:

  1. Daya Cinta Buro Community
  2. The Living Water Community
  3. The Ever-Lasting Community
  1. We also have 3 Service Committees, whose memberships rotate every 3 months, serve our community as well as facilitate the delivery of services to our 3 permanent communities.

After the introductory activities such as community organization, schedule of regular daily activities, presentation of oneself and one’s expectations, and a bird’s eye-view of Philippine socio-cultural history the formal sessions of the

  Cor Vitae Formation Program for Formators began.

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The session on Journaling, facilitated by Sr. Xiaowei Li, RC. Journaling is an important tool in the formation of the Spirituality of the Heart. It keeps the record of one’s journey into his or her own heart and of the fruits of encounter with the heart of Jesus, the heart of the people and the heart of creation.  It is a useful tool for self-

discovery and growth with the community.

This was followed by a presentation of the Methodology For Formation Program Writing, with Fr. Ben Roquero, MSC, PhD as resource person. At the end of the Formation Program for Formators, the participants are expected to come up with a program or plan of formation for their respective stage of formation: pre-novitiate (aspirancy, postulancy), novitiate, and post- novitiate or formation course for the laity in the parish or in a pastoral setting.

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The Cor Vitae Executive Committee came for a meeting with the Cor Vitae Formation Team and for a greet-and-meet with the participants of the program.

The Executive Committee is composed of the Superiors of the Tri-Congregation in the Philippines. They are Sr. Carol, MSC sisters, Sr. Ruth, DOLSH and Fr. Edwin, MSC.

March is an opportune time to meditate on St. Joseph, Protector and Model of Those Who Love the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This course was presented by Fr. Ben E. Alforque, MSC, SSL. He talked about St. Joseph in the Bible, the devotion to St. Joseph in the History and Tradition of the Church and the Place of St. Joseph in the Spirituality of the Heart, in the writings of Fr. Jules Chevalier.

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Fr. Tony Pernia, SVD, STD talked on Internationality and Interculturality: Paradigm shifts in mission. While traditional mission Ad Gentes focused on geographical locations  of  peoples, today new missionary areas are found in social contexts like migrations, poverty, the cyberworld and climate change. Vatican II brought in a new reality in the Church, from being European to being a World Church. As such the Church and the World have become multi-cultural; mission has to be in this context intentionally inter-cultural.

The Cor Vitae Formation Program for Formators of the Chevalier Family has its theme: Rediscover Within the Source of Living Water. It will run from February 2 through November 2, 2024.

Let us continue to accompany our Batch 3 participants in this journey.

With much gratitude and appreciation for all the support given to the Cor Vitae Team and its programs.
