Paul Jennings MSC, Photos, Mass and Funeral.

Thanks to John Walker MSC for Mass screen shots and funeral photos and to John O'Connor for Mass captions
The Mass took place in Holy Rosary Church, Kensington, because of covid infections at Kensington Monastery.

Paul passed away on Wednesday - the middle of the octave week of Easter. His funeral on the following Wednesday - perhaps a further octave day, was a day of celebration of the risen Christ. John O’Connor, eulogy.

Despite their sore throat and grief, Tom A’afa made such an impact - speaking from the heart at the vigil's sharing.

His commitment to his task of serving the needs of the people in Catholic Education. John Jennings.

Family and the generations. Peter Jennings.

Testimony from PNG

St Mary’s Towers, Douglas Park, cemetery.

Steve Dives MSC presiding

The burial
A tribute from PNG
Our deepest condolence to the family of Late Fr. Paul Jennings We all have truly lost a remarkable person with a beautiful and generous heart. "One of the best boss we ever worked with" from all who have worked under his great leadership. We refer to him and will forever remember him as "Our Fr. Paul" From all Staff, Students at St. Joseph's International Catholic College, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. Late Fr. Paul once said "That my heart will lie peaceful and calm when I'm laid to my rest" Thank you Fr. Paul for all your service to Papua New Guinea, service to the Catholic Church and service to Education. Thank you again and we salute you. Really sad to let you go but we find comfort and confident in Our Lord knowing that you have walked into His Paradise. So for now its.....Good bye to Our Fr. Paul, 'til we meet on that glorious morning. R.I.P From: Hoi Kirsten Taunao St. Joseph's International Catholic College, Papua New Guinea