Saturday, 22 June 2019 10:13



 first vows

Many thanks for this report from our regular correspondent in Vietnam, Bang Hai Dinh.

And our congratulations to Bang on his making his final vows (and picture below).

 Final vows during Litany of The Saints1

Profession Day: Special day in June of 2019

14th June is always a special event for our MSC Community in Vietnam and Australia Province

We had a solemnity of Profession of making the first vows, renewal of vows and perpetual of vows.

renewal of Vows

7 brothers made a renewal of their vows: HungLe - Tinh – Quy – ThanhVu – Duong – ThanhLe –Vu Nguyen.

And 2 took their final vows: Bang Hai Dinh – Toan Dinh Vinh Le.

signing the Formula BANG HAI DINH

Our correspondent, Bang Hai Dinh

BANGs Family

Bang's family

signing the Formula TOAN DINH VINH LE

Also making final vows, Toad Dinh Vinh Le

The celebration was again in Tan Huong parish. The celebrant was parish priest: Fr. Francis Assisi Le Quang Dang together with the co-celebrants: Our Provincial Superior Fr. Chris McPhee, Fr. Provincial Superior Leonardo B. Cabrera, MSC Philippines Province, Novice Master: Fr. Nordom Adlaon, MSC; Fathers and some Priests, friend of our brother from other congregation.

The Asembly

There were a present of our Chevalier Family: Scholastics, Postulants, aspirants, MSC sisters, OLSH sisters, MSC Associates, together with some friend of other Congregation: Sister of Religious Assumption, Sister of Providence, Sister of Saint Charles Borromeo, Augustinian Sisters of Our Lady of Consolation, Order of Dominican…, and our benefactors and friend and relative of our members in Community.

Young Lay Associates

Young Lay Associates

In the homily Fr. Chris shared with the Assembly and especial to our MSC brothers that: We should always keep in mind that; once we take the vows whether it is the first, renewal or perpetual that means we take forever.

Our MSC professed

The Professed MSC in Vietnam

We commit ourselves forever to God. At the end of his homily, Fr. Provincial expressed his gratitude to all parents of our professed students, who have offered their son to God in a special way of our charism and spirituality of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart.

After the Mass, we and our guests had a party together in Tan Huong parish. We all celebrated and congratulated our First profession brothers, Final Vows.

Final vows during Litany of The Saints1