Thursday, 08 February 2024 22:41

Chevalier Institute, 2024.

Chevalier Institute, 2024.

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The new brochure for Chevalier Institute is available in hard copy or online.


Bob Irwin MSC writes: the Chevalier Institute was founded 21 years ago to support Lay adult faith formation in the Chevalier Family’s Spirituality of the Heart.

Why called an INSTITUTE?


Because it is much more than an organisation to deliver retreats and courses. One of its primary functions is to act as a real Institute… researching, seeking, finding new ways to express the spirituality to meet the needs, the weaknesses of the progress of the times, but remaining true to the original charusm of Father Chevalier.

Why even have our Chevalier Institute?


As the policy for Spiritual Formation for Staff and Board Members in our MSC schools in Australia states: “the need for proactive formation of lay people and institutions in the MSC charism is not just based on the diminished numbers of MSC, not just because of the increased role of the laity in MSC Colleges. Importantly, it is by virtue of the fact that people in their living and working find deep meaning in their lives, and, if possible, encounter the Heart of the living Christ, and, when able, to bring Him to others.  

anne bob

Bob and Anne

We are ever grateful to Anne McAtomny, the current Director of the Institute and each of the Directors of Faith and Mission in our Colleges. We also acknowledge with much thanks those who have been in those positions in the past who taught us much.

