5th General Councillor named, Gene Pejo MSC
The Superior General has confirmed the appointment of a fifth General Councillor, as anticipated and agreed to at the General Chapter of 2023 and foreseen in MSC Constitutions and Statutes No. S 205. For the six-year term 2023-2029, the fifth General Councillor is Fr Gene Pejo MSC of the Philippines Province.
Over the coming weeks we will post some bios of the 5 Councillors.
In the meantime, a reminder:
Fr Chris Chaplin MSC of the Australian Province is the 1st Councillor, and our congratulations and best wishes for his responsibilities that he would never have imagined when he joined the MSC in 1980.
followed by Br Bernard Mongeau MSC from Canada,
Fr Bram Tulusan MSC from Indonesia,
Br Simon Lumpini MSC from the Democratic Republic of Congo,
and Fr Gene Pejo MSC from the Philippines.