On our site we have been acknowledging MSC priests and brothers as they turn a significant age, and upwards.
It is important to acknowledge the women who have been a significant presence in MSC life and ministry.
With this in mind, we offer a tribute to Mary Scarfe who turns 85 tomorrow.
Mary has been associated with the MSC since the late 1960s, especially with the staff and students at Croydon monastery, assisting with some counselling for students and group work.

YTU reunion, Mary with Peter Cantwell OCM and Kevin Goode OFM
During the 1970s, Mary was one of the earliest women lecturers at the Yarra Theological Union, specialising in Counselling courses, our MSC Students attending. During these years, Mary also contributed a number of articles to Compass Theology Review.
From the late 1970s, Mary was invited to St Mary’s Towers on spirituality teams for Renewal programs.
Mary launched the History of Hear of Life, with Peter Malone MSC, Paul Beirne, Director, and Brian Gallagher MSC
With the opening of the Heart of Life Centre in 1983, Mary was one of the supervisors for the Spiritual Direction program, Siloam, and led a number of seminars.

This is an opportunity to express our appreciation to Mary for long friendship and contribution to MSC life,