Laity of the Chevalier Family, Newsletter: Encounter of Hearts
Alison McKenzie writes:
We have just mailed out the 2023 edition of Encounter of Hearts. This is a very important edition of the newsletter of the Laity of the Chevalier Family as it contains the revised Guiding Principles and many of the processes and policies that we have worked on globally over the past 6 years.
Here is the introduction to the mailout:
Greetings to all members and friends of the Chevalier Family
It is with great pleasure that the International Council of the Laity of the Chevalier Family is sending you the 2023 edition of our annual Newsletter, Encounter of Hearts. This edition of the newsletter is timed to coincide with the Feast of the Sacred Heart, the great feast of the church that celebrates the love God has for all creation. That fundamental belief that unites us all is embedded into every page of the newsletter, along with our call to live lives that reflect that love in the kindness, understanding, compassion and mutual forgiveness, gentleness, humility, simplicity, hospitality and a sense of humour that we show to our families and to all people we encounter in our daily lives. This is how we make God’s love real to those around us.
We ask that you share this newsletter with all of your members and the religious within your countries. We ask that you read the contents very carefully.
The newsletter contains the revised Guiding Principles and many of the policies and procedures that the International Council has worked on in the past 6 years. Much of the material contained in the newsletter will be discussed and voted on at the Assembly of Laity in January 2024.
The Newsletter pays tribute to Hans Kwakman and his contribution to Heart Spirituality
We ask that all groups read, reflect and discuss the material so that your delegates at the Assembly can vote according to your wishes.
The International Council would like to thank so many of you who have responded to our requests for comment and input as we have worked to create the governance structures that enable us to undertake our real work of connecting our members from every corner of the globe and assisting in the deepening of our own experience of God’s transforming love and in the ways we can share that good news with those we meet.
We especially thank our translators, Therese Poulton and Ana San Martin who have spent so many hours translating our work. For this edition of Encounter, we also thank Olguita and Ilama Enrique Bernal Pasquel from Peru for completing much of the Spanish translation.
We also thank Rosie Abrahams from Australia for her beautiful formatting of each language edition.
To all of you, from the bottom of our hearts we give thanks.
We wish you a joyous Feast of the Sacred Heart and we look forward to meeting many of you in Cebu, Philippines next January.
Alison, Doris, Rita, Peter, Sr Merle and Fr Hans and from those who work so closely with us: Hannie, Maria Olimpia, Olguita, Chris, Fr Richard.
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