Friday, 09 June 2023 21:58

Preparing for the General Chapter, September-October 2023

Preparing for the General Chapter, September-October 2023

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First Pre-Chapter Online Session, May 30, 2023,

by Javier Traperoin General Information for Delegates, Newson Posted on May 30, 2023

The first online preparatory session for the General Chapter took place in a fraternal atmosphere.

Chris Chaplin, msc, one of the facilitators of this meeting, explained how these online meetings will be developed. He introduced the official website of the General Chapter (26th MSC General Chapter 2023) and explained the information in the sections.

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Secondly, Humberto Henriques, msc, the other facilitator, invited Delegates to meditation and prayer in preparation for the session. The group prayed the official prayer of the General Chapter (English – French – Spanish). It was important to be aware and prepared for discernment.

After the prayer, he asked each participant in the meeting to choose a word from the prayer. The words chosen were presented in a ‘word cloud’.

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Superior General, Mario Absalón Alvarado, msc, made his welcoming and opening remarks to the Delegates at the preparation session. Quoting the Emmaus theme of the Chapter, “Did not our hearts burn within us as we walked along together” (Luke 24:32).

The main ideas expressed were:

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The meeting continued in small groups according to languages. The objective was that every member introduces themselves to other participants and begin conversations before the General Chapter assembly. The main ideas that were discussed in these group meetings were shared in the chat.

Finally, Chris and Humberto said Thank you to everyone for their participation and for the work of the MSC Hosting Team that helps to make these sessions possible.

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Chapter Dates

Online Chapter Sessions:
May 30-31, June 20-21, July 11-12, August 8-9

Chapter Assembly:
September 17 – October 7, 2023
