The photo shows from left: Peter Anthony (Randwick), Kimi Vunivesilevu (Kippax), Thang Nguyen (St Mary’s Towers Retreat Centre), Khoi Nguyen (Blackburn), Pat Mara (Nguiu), Krish Mathavan (Henley Beach), Frank Dineen, (facilitator) and Peter Hendriks (Nightcliff). (Tru absent in Vietnam.)
The accompanying photo of these young men (with the exception of myself) was taken at the end of February at a workshop for our men more recently ordained. This is part of their continuing journey as they move fully into ministry in our circles. As we know the first years are of prime importance as one settles into his life commitment. Our formation documents take up this topic to assist our men in this. Thus, foundations that have been laid, personal skills that each owns, outcomes that are lived with, all come to light, heard and affirmed as needed. This took up a significant part of the week. In addition, other input comprised:
- Updating on Professional Standards issues (with the emphasis on Integrity in Ministry)
- Healthy living skills with a balanced life-style
- Skills in listening (particularly in relation to counselling / companioning)
As can be imagined adequate time was also given to socialising and keeping up the bonding process. The week was positively entered into and appreciated, I suggest.
Frank Dineen, msc