Sunday, 14 May 2023 21:56

15th May, a reminder of the Chevalier year, bicentenary of his birth.

15th May, a reminder of the Chevalier year, bicentenary of his birth.

Each 15th of the month has a reminder that we are in the Chevalier year, ending on his 200th birthday, March 15, 2024.

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Given his missionary vision, Jules Chevalier would be very happy that his by centenary year was inaugurated by the three Superiors General, MSC, OLSH, MSC sisters, – Bonaventura, Korea; Abzalon, Guatemala; Marife, the Philippines.

His life: When Jules was 17, he entered the minor seminary of Saint-Gaultier (Indre) and shifted without difficulty to the major Seminary of Bourges (Cher) in 1846. He was a serious student, quite strict in his practices of his faith. One day, thanks to an exceptional teacher, he discovered the Heart of Christ. For him it was "like a new vision of God… Bathed in resplendent light and colours… You illuminating his whole life as he was discovering the Heart of Christ. It was the vision and the inspiration of his life and of all his achievement…" (A New Heart, a New Spirit, EJ Cuskelly 24).

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This refreshing revelation of the face of God, came to him providentially at a time when he was worried about the salvation of the world on account of its indifference. Here, he became acutely aware that "while Jesus was on earth, He gladly bestowed all the tenderness of His heart upon the little ones, upon the humble, upon the poor, upon suffering humanity. The site of misery… Touched His heart with compassion" (Meditations, volume 2, 3).