Celebrating Phil Hicks MSC and Bob Irwin MSC – 50 Years of Priesthood.
We suggested last week to watch this space! Though the actual date is May 12th, there was a celebration Mass at Randwick parish (Bob’s home parish) on Saturday May 6th. (And, sadly, we note that John Rate, RIP, would have celebrated his Golden Jubilee of priesthood.)
We remember Phil’s ministry in education, formation and, latterly in parish work. He holds the record for serving in all our colleges, Downlands, Chevalier, Monivae, St John’s and Daramalan – and to top this, Hagita and Ulapia Minor Seminary.
We remember Bob’s ministry in education, staff at Downlands, Principal at our colleges, Chevalier, St John’s and Daramalan. In covid times, he has added long stays at Monivae.
(No one else has served in all our Australian colleges except for Brother Jim Scully MSC)
Sydney MSC joined the Mass as well as Indonesian chaplain, Handoko, celebrating a Silver Jubilee. Recently ordained, Kenji Konda MSC, was deacon.
And what more could anyone ask for but a papal blessing!