RIP, Brian Johnstone CSsR
Those of us who were students at the Yarra Theological Union or who were on the faculty remember Brian Johnstone as a fine lecturer and a good colleague
From the YTU: We are saddened by the death of Emeritus Professor Fr Brian Johnstone CSsR. Brian taught moral theology at YTU in the 1970's and then went on to teach at Catholic University of America in Washington and at Accademia Alfonsiana in Rome.
He had been living in the Redemptorist community in Kew in recent years where he kept up his interest in moral matters and became a very keen gardener. He is fondly remembered by former students Chris Monaghan and Michael Kelly among many others.
The issues as related by the cardiologist were that the main artery to his heart was blocked 98-99% and he had very low blood pressure. He was also put on a ventilator Michael Kelly was able to anoint and absolve Brian and inform family, confreres and mission partners. Nine were present when Brian went home to the Lord to share the fullness of the resurrection. He did a lot of research and speaking on the lack of consideration of the resurrection in moral theology. He died peacefully at 9:37 pm Sunday 16 April.
May our colleague and confrere rest in peace.