Sunday, 10 March 2019 22:37



Liz Phelan

On our site we have been acknowledging MSC priests and brothers as they turn a significant age, and upwards.
Perhaps taking a cue from our post for International Women’s Day last Friday and the focus on the women in the Chevalier Family, it is important to acknowledge the women who have been a significant presence in MSC life and ministry.
With this in mind, we offer a tribute to Liz Phelan who turned 80 on December 11th last.
During the 1970s, Liz and her late husband, Michael, lived in Melbourne and had close associations with the Scholasticate at Croydon.
Then they moved to Toowoomba and had a decades-long association with Downlands College, with the MSC Community, with the life and activities of the school, many close friendships with members of the Province.
A note and a vote of thanks.