Friday, 17 March 2023 08:08

This weekend, Celebrating St Joseph

This weekend, Celebrating St Joseph

st joseph abzalon Copy

Jules Chevalier had a great devotion to St Joseph – model and patron of those who love the Sacred Heart.

st joseph st josephs house for women

Traditions Monastiques

On earth Saint Joseph

watched over and protected Jesus and Mary,

That is why the Church

has made him the Protector

of the great Christian family.

We too should have full confidence in him;

he is willing and able to protect us…

He knows we are redeemed

by the blood of Jesus Christ

and destined for the happiness of heaven.

How then could he forget us?

To believe he could do so

would be to do him a serious wrong.

He distributes the treasures of the Heart of Jesus

and wishes to enrich us with them.

So let us go to him with confidence

and ask him for all the help we need.

He will give it to us.

Meditation is one.

 st jos 2023

Catholic Resources

 To capture the devotion to Saint Joseph within the Catholic liturgy, in 1870,

Pope Pius IX declared Saint Joseph the patron of the universal Church.

In 1955, Pope Pius XII added the feast of Saint Joseph the Worker.

This silent saint, who was given the noble task of caring and watching over the Virgin Mary and Jesus,

now cares for and watches over the Church and models for all the dignity of human work.