The MSC Victoria/Tasmania Community Gathering to start 2023.
The Victoria/ Tasmania community has 21 members as we begin 2023.
Perhaps you will be able to pick out some of the community – and for those wondering where we met: the crying room of the church, large enough to fit us in.
Ted McCormack at Monivae and Frank Andersen were unable to be present.
We had our first monthly gathering for the year on Friday, 24 February, with 19 of the 21 members of the community able to be present. The community has regular meetings during the year, but this was particularly special, marking new beginnings for 2023: the community welcomed three new members, Bartha, Petrus and John - which provided the opportunity for a sharing of stories - and the beginning of the year for those at Language School, Heart of Life, Clinical Pastoral Education and YTU.
Birthday cake for Michael and Hoa reminding us of the Melbourne community members both old and young, Michael 87 and Hoa 30.
There was also a celebration for profession anniversaries (especially the 65 years as MSC of Michael Sims & Peter Malone) and birthdays (Philip, John, Vincent, Michael).
Our students were present for the Opening Mass for the YTU.
Nang leading the procession.