Tuesday, 07 March 2023 20:46

The PNG Provincial Chapter, 3-11 February

The PNG Provincial Chapter,  3-11 February

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With thanks to Roger Purcell MSC.

Provincial old and new: back, Sylvester Wakakai (new), John Willio (previous), front, Gabriel Endo, Ed Meli, George Tami.



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Provincials old and new, with first bishop, Louis Couppe


Discussing recommendations

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The Group of Delegates

Group 21

Roger writes:  I facilitated the Chapter and found the group to be very mature, sensible and hardworking.

Profession at Vunapau just before the Chapter.

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3 newly professed novices, 1 final vows and 1 renewal of vows.

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Chapel at Vunapau.

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