Wednesday, 01 March 2023 22:17

Some Significant March Days for the Chevalier Family 2023

Some Significant March Days for the Chevalier Family  2023


March 15th, birthday of Jules Chevalier and beginning the year to the bicentenary celebration of  his birth.


March 25th has many entries, a significant day. It includes the foundation of the Handmaids of the Lord in 1918 by Archbishop Alain de Boismenu MSC.

MSC Sister have quite a number of significant March days, including the foundation and some mission outreaches.

The item of March 17th is a reminder of the attacks on religious by the Nazis.

And some saints who have not appeared here before. March 5th and 10th.


5 March, 1877
During a stay in Rome, Father Chevalier met Don Daniel Comboni, founder of the Combonian Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus  and pro-Vicar of the mission of Central Africa, who had consecrated his large Vicariate to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart on 8 December, 1875.

9 March, 1906
The first Superior General of the MSC Sisters is elected. She is Sister M. Franziska Fleige.

10 March, 1865
The 'Pious Union', a movement centred on devotion to the Sacred Heart and founded by Blessed Louise Thérèse de Montaignac de Chauvance (1820-1885), becomes a Third Order of the MSC Congregation. It is a Third Order for women without vows and is associated with the MSC Congrégation until March, 1874.

12 March, 1965
The first two German MSC Sisters leave Hiltrup, Germany, to establish a foundation in Korea. They arrive on the 24 March, 1965 and the next day, 25 March, 1965, is the Foundation Day of the Korean Mission of the MSC Sisters.
As of December 31, 2011, there are 193 professed members in the Korean Province
as well as enthusiastically committed lay members.

jules benthleigh

Statue at OLSH Bentleigh

15 March, 1824
Jules Chevalier is born in Richelieu, France. The following day he is baptized in the parish church, "Notre Dame", at Richelieu.

17 March, 1935
MSC Sisters and a Third Reich injustice story:

Mother M. Electa, Superior General of the MSC Sisters, and the Procurator General, Sr. M. Gerberga are arrested by the Gestapo in Hiltrup. They are falsely accused of trafficking foreign currencies by Joseph Goebbels, Minister of the Propaganda of the German Third Reich. Mother M. Electa will be released from prison one year later, on the 18 March, 1936.

17 March, 1943
Three FDNSC, three MSC from Manus, PNG, eight MSC from New Ireland, PNG,
together with 39 SVD missionaries and Holy Spirit Sisters, are killed at sea between Kavieng and Rabaul, PNG, during the Japanese war in the Pacific.


18 March, 1900
Father Alain de Boismenu is ordained Bishop in Montmartre, Paris.

20 March, 1886
Father Hubert Linckens, MSC, who becomes historical founder of the MSC Sisters,
is ordained at s'Hertogenbosch, Netherlands.

25 March, 1859
Construction commences on the Basilica in Issoudun.


Statue at OLSH Bentleigh


25 March, 1882
Marie Louise Hartzer enters the FDNSC Congregation in Issoudun after a lengthy period of discernment.
The once thriving new community established in 1874, by 1882 does not show signs of growth, in fact, quite the opposite!
However, Marie Louise is very much attracted by the charism of Jules Chevalier so she decides to enter the small community.
She becomes the First Superior General.

25 March, 1901
First Profession ceremony of 10 MSC Sisters in Hiltrup.

mt noblet

25 March, 1918
Foundation of the Congregation of the Handmaids of the Lord in Papua New Guinea by Monsignor Alain de Boismenu.

25 March, 1977
Foundation Day of the Indian Mission of the MSC Sisters.

28 March, 1937
Father Heinrich Kellner, MSC, from the North German Province dies in captivity in China.