Congratulations. Religious Professions, 55, 60 years. To be continued….
55 years, 27th February the actual day
Ed Travers, Arthur Stidwall, Len Helm
Peter Guy
60 years
Terry Herbert
Joe Ensing
John O’Connor
Greg Mc Ennally
Paul Cashen
“Your voice preaching, teaching, and comforting; your hands baptizing, blessing, anointing, and absolving; your eyes seeing, smiling, caring, and crying; your ears listening, hearing, and understanding; your feet walking, walking, walking, walking to churches, classrooms, graduations, weddings, family gatherings, parish picnics, prisons, nursing homes, deathbeds, and gravesites.
In all of these ways, and many more, you have made the Sacred Heart present in ways more powerful than you will ever know. You have helped all of us to realize what it means to be on earth the heart of God. You have taken seriously ‘May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved! We thank God for you; I thank God for you and for your mission as one of many Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. ..thank you! Chris McPhee, Provincial words of congratulations.
Greg McCann celebrates 60 years in August, so we will give him his site post on that day.