Monday, 06 February 2023 22:03

Gene Pejo MSC, from the Philippines to Vietnam formation.

Gene Pejo MSC, from the Philippines to Vietnam formation.


I received my appointment letter from the Provincial Superior of the MSC Australia assigning me as a new member of the formation team in Vietnam, last September 30, 2022.The appointment is effective January 1, 2023, but due to important schedules and concerns that I have to attend to, one of which is our Provincial Assembly, in consultation with the Superior of Vietnam MSC, Fr. Hoang, I set my schedule of arrival in Vietnam on the 1st or 2nd week of February, 2023. This new mission engagement in Vietnam is made possible after initial discussion and consultation among parties involved, namely the two Provincial Administrations, the MSC Vietnam community, and me personally.

Just by way of introducing myself, my name is GENE (but the name that appears in my passport is Genie, but I’ve been using Gene since I started schooling). My middle name is AMADO, my family name is PEJO.  I am 62 years of age with a type 2 diabetes. I joined the MSC Philippines in October 1986, and had my final profession in June 1993. I was ordained priest in April of 1994. I had two years of experience as assistant pastor in a parish before I was asked to join in our formation team in the Post Novitiate in 1996 to 2003, two (2) years as an assistant while taking up formation courses, and served as Rector the next four (4) years.

pejo novices

In 2003 I was assigned parish priest in one of our parishes in Mindanao, and in 2006 I was brought back to formation work, this time as formator of our Novices, where I made my first encounter with the first few batches of our future Vietnamese confreres. After five (5) years in the Novitiate I was elected Provincial Superior and served the Province from 2011-2017. Prior to my election as Provincial Superior, I served as District Superior twice, in Manila and in Mindanao. While being part of the formation team, I also served as a council member of two (2) Provincial Administrations.   

What do I expect from this new assignment of mine? Reading my job description in my appointment letter I see my task as an animator, one who can animate, guide and inspire the team. I may get involved in the accompaniment of the formands but see to it that my role will not overlap with the individual responsibilities of our Vietnamese Formators.  My interest in the formation of our future Vietnamese MSCs started with my involvement in their novitiate formation. Their personal stories as Vietnamese people are interesting and inspiring and I am inspired to see how these experiences can be integrated into our spirituality, the spirituality of the heart, taking into account their culture and environment. I also expect some adjustments to make from my side having first time work outside of my country the Philippines.

pejo olde