November 6th – an MSC Feastday celebrating our Beati of Canet del Mar, 1936
Today we remember our seven young Spanish members from Canet de Mar, Spain, who lives were taken brutally as they lived out the Mission of being in the world the Heart of Christ. They were killed on September 29, 1936 in Pont de Ser, between Banyoles and Besalú (Gerona), for the mere fact of being "friars." A ruined house was the only witness.
Father Antonio Arribas Hortigüela was born in Cardeñadijo (Burgos) on April 29, 1908. He had ten years as an MSC and little more than a year of priesthood. His first and only ministry was the Little Work (MSC Seminary) of Canet de Mar. At the moment of his death he shouted “Long live Christ the King”, which machine gun burst prevented him from ending. He was 28 years old.
Father Abundio Martín Rodríguez was a native of Villaescusa de Ecla (Burgos), where he was born on April 14, 1908. He had been a priest for five years. When he was killed he was 28 years old.
Father José Vergara Echevarría, from Navarro, a native of Almandoz. He was born on June 18, 1908. He had been a member of the MSC for nine years. He was ordained a priest in 1934. He had been a teacher-educator for future missionaries for two years. He was, when killed, 28 years old.
Father Joseph Oriol Isern Massó was from Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona). He had entered the MSC at age 20. In 1933 he was ordained a priest and assigned to the house of Canet de Mar. He was 23 years old when he was killed.
Brother Gumersindo Gómez Rodrigo was born in Benuza (León). When he was killed he was 25 years old. He made his religious profession as Brother in 1929. An example of humility and charity.
21 years old. He had made his first religious profession in 1934; Brother José del Amo del Amo was the youngest. He was just 20 when he was killed. He was born in Pumarejo de Tera (Zamora). He had only been an MSC Brother for four years.