All Souls’ Day – remembering MSC confreres, 50th anniversaries
We take the opportunity on All Souls’ Day to call to mind the memory of some of our confreres fifty years dead.
March 9th 1972. Max Douglas, Downlands student, delayed many years in joining the MSC because of severe diabetes. Ordained 1956. Superior of the student house in Canberra in the later 1960s. Collapsed in Hamilton while giving a mission with Brian Gallagher.
September 27th 1972. Patrick McCabe, a Superior General. See the Current News entry for September 27th for more detail.
November 9th 1972, William Henschke. One of the very religious Henschke Family – brother, Bishop Frank Henschke of Wagga, Fr George Henschke MSC, Br Philip Henschke MSC, Vin Henschke, lay who lived in retirement at St Mary’s Towers, Gertrude Henschke, Mother Concepta, twice Provincial of the OLSH. Long ministry in the Northern Territory.
15th December 1972. Ernest McFarlane. Many years in parish ministry, Hindmarsh, Coogee and Ranwick. Also a retreat and mission-giver. And chaplain at the Little Sisters of the Poor, Northcote. Delegate to the General Chapter of 1932.