Acknowledging Albert Chan MSC
Vince Carroll MSC writes:
It may be of interest to know that Albert Chan MSC (Downlands 1948-53) from Rabaul, is having his 60th Jubilee next Tuesday 18th Oct, in St Stephens Cathedral along with some other notables - + Brian Heenan (of Rockhampton) and Fr Maurice Keating OP. I intend to attend. Albert of course was ordained in Rabaul in 1962 by then Bishop Copas (Downlands 1933) on 28th July.
Albert then worked at Downlands from 10 years from 1964 to 1973. John Ryan MSC (Downlands 1950-53) from Mundubbera, was also ordained that year in Brisbane but sadly died within a short time in 1964, while working at Daramalan. Fr Ray O’Leary (1954-55) from Warwick was yet another student from that year who became a diocesan priest in 1962: RIP 2021.
In 1962 three MSC Bishops from Australia and with Downlands connections were in Rome attending the Second Ecumenical council, and Bishop O’Loughlin had just completed and blessed St Marys Star of the Sea Cathedral in Darwin. They recently celebrated the Cathedral’s 60th Jubilee in Darwin. The Three Bishops in Rome were Bishop Doyle (Downlands Third Rector ’38-45 – the source of the phrase “the Downlands Difference”), Bishop Copas and Bishop O’Loughlin (Downlands 1936-45- Studies Master).
Acknowledging Albert's many years of ministry to the Chinese community in Brisbane.