Saturday, 24 September 2022 10:50

Last Runway, The/ Leal, solo hay una forma de vivir

last runway

THE LAST RUNWAY / Leal, solo hay una forma de vivir


Paraguay, 2018, 105 minutes, Colour.

Felix Alberto Medina Ortiz, Luis Aguirre, Bruno Sosa Bofnger, Andrea Quattrochi.

Directed by Rodrigo Saloon,Pietro Scappini.


It is unusual to see a film from Paraguay, and this was the first on Netflix.

It is based on actual events – familiar events from most of the Latin American countries, especially those of Central America and drug deals, the cartels, Colombia. Paraguay is a small country, bordering Brazil, but with its own problems.

The film has familiar material but interesting nonetheless. It illustrates the callousness of the cartel leaders, betrayals, murders. It also illustrates how local farmers, with marijuana crops, collaborate with the cartels and provide landing strips for deliveries.

The focus of the film is on a retired colonel being appointed to head the government squad combating drug deals, the leader, the variety of men, their experience, building up camaraderie, training and skill. Just before the final raid, there is a long sequence where they talk and share stories. Then, at the end, the final action is rather quick, codes broken, detailing which airstrip is being used, converging on the plane and the cars, shootout…

There is a touch of romance as well. However, the film is quite a tough one, paralleling the many films coming, especially from Latin America, about combating drug dealing on the cartels.

  1. A rare film from Paraguay? Atmosphere in Latin America, society, the police, drugs and cartels, networks? The special force, qualifications, planning, intelligence, execution of the plan?
  2. The atmosphere of Paraguay, cities, towns, farms, marijuana crops, airstrips, homes, official offices? The musical score?
  3. The tone, the opening, the man and his devotion to his daughter, taken, interrogated, giving information about leaks, promises about his daughter, his being shot? The atmosphere of the cartel boss, smiling and treacherous? Dante, his lieutenant, brutal? The other thugs? The introduction to the farmer, his wife, his son’s decision to go with him rather than study, the trap, their being shot?
  4. Ibanez, his background, involvement, missions, failures and success? The colonel in retirement, his wife’s concern about him? His being summoned, reinstated as the head of the drug investigation team? His plan, recruitment, the variety of men and their skills, Shakes but his steady aim, Gostoriaga, charm, the Russian, Chamorro, Fanna as the perennial soldier, reinstated? His friendship with the colonel?
  5. The personalities, camaraderie, getting to know each other, the detailed training, shooting, camouflage…?
  6. Betty, her place in the team, intelligence, codes, the attraction to Gostoriaga? Working at home, her grandfather and the soccer teams, Brazil? The collaboration, on the names of the players, depositions, techniques?
  7. The wife of the dead drug dealer, giving the information about the airways? The 10 airstrips? The process of elimination, the plan, the smoke from the marijuana crops? The final information about the landing strip? The success of the mission, her taking over, shooting the cartel boss?
  8. Fanna going into town, the attack, his being shot? Dante shooting him?
  9. The setup for the attack, the plan, the group moving in, the tactics for each car, achievement, Gostoriaga wounded, the confrontation with Dante, his being wounded, Kostya not killing him?
  10. Success of the mission, Betty and Gostoriaga, the achievement – but the widow taking over the landing of the drugs on her airstrips?