Wednesday, 31 August 2022 22:21

Remembering Barry Brundell MSC

Remembering Barry Brundell MSC

barry b coffin Copy

Photos from his Requiem Mass – and, if you scroll down, some memories from the 1960s. With appreciation to John Walker MSC for the photos.

barry b jb

John Bosman MSC, with whom Barry studied in Rome at the Gregorian University, presided.

barry b sister

Barry’s sisters were present.

barry b vince c

Members of the 1958 novitiate group were present: Terry Naughton, on the sanctuary, Tony Arthur, Denis Uhr and Vince Carroll concelebrating.

barry b concelebrants

Farewell from the Kensington community as Barry went to St Mary’s Towers for burial.

barry hearse outside


So, now we know what we looked like in Italy back in the early and mid-1960s.

barry and jb good old days

barry jj