Friday, 19 August 2022 14:18

RIP, Barry Brundell MSC.

RIP, Barry Brundell MSC.


News to hand that Barry Brundell died this afternoon at St Joseph’s  MSC confreres were with him.

Barry turned 83 this month.  He made his first profession on February 26th 1959, studied at Croydon, Canberra Monastery and at the Australian National University. He and John Bosman were sent to Rome as students in 1963, studying at the Gregorian University, and ordained in the scholasticate chapel, Via Aventina, March 26th 1966.

Barry was appointed to Daramalan College and shared in the drama of a letter to the Canberra Times on the Encyclical Humanae Vitae – which led to his being transferred to Downlands. However, he moved to St Paul’s seminary, lecturing, then becoming Rector. He completed a PhD at the University of New South Wales on philosopher, Pierre Gassendi.

In the 1990s, Barry returned to Rome and was superior of the MSC International Students’ Community, doing some lecturing at the Gregorian.  On his return, he was parish priest of Kensington, then Erskineville.

He was the editor of Compass Theology Review from 1998 to 2016.

In recent years he has lived at Kensington Monastery and St Joseph’s.

May he rest in peace.