Wednesday, 17 August 2022 22:13

A great photo – MSC Vietnam celebrating its 19th anniversary

A great photo – MSC Vietnam celebrating its 19th anniversary

Scroll down for the full photo.

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A picture is worth 1000 words.  A picture of MSC Vietnam on 15th August 2003 would have the hopes of Peter Huan and Thoi.

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19 years later we can see the fulfilment of hopes. (And acknowledging Thang stationed at Coogee, Vocation promotion and hospital chaplaincy, Quy teaching Scripture and courses at the Pacific Regional Seminary in Suva, Fiji, and Chung in Melbourne for the Siloam ;program at Heart of Life.)

And after two years of covid, Chris McPhee is visiting Vietnam again.

And ‘Uncle Bob’ who was Provincial Superior at the time of the Foundation, has been able to return after two years. (And thanks to Bob for this photo.)