Wednesday, 03 August 2022 22:33

Jules Chevalier met St John Vianney three weeks before the Cure died.

Jules Chevalier met St John Vianney three weeks before the Cure died.

cure and jules

Perhaps we haven’t read Fr Chevalier’s memoir for some time. Here it is again on the feast of the Cure of Ars.

Shortly after the door opened and the holy man appeared with his surplice over his arm. His face, pale and gaunt, his eyes, sunken yet bright, his head lowered and his body bent under the weight of penance and fasting, made a profound impression on me; it was like a glimpse of someone from another world. He made me sit down and asked where I came from and what I wanted. After a few exchanges, I told him about our little foundation completely dedicated to the Sacred Heart and the Blessed Virgin, and of our plans and aims. He encouraged me greatly and urged me to have confidence; I was only at the beginning of my trials and many painful ones lay ahead; hell would do its utmost to destroy our work, destined to glorify God and bring salvation to many; it would raise such fearful storms against us that I would imagine everything to be lost.

“But no”, he assured me “the Heart of Jesus and his good Mother will intervene and undo your enemies.”

Buoyed up by these words, I asked him to make a novena, and he promised to begin one on July 16. I recommended myself to his prayers and returned directly to Issoudun. A few days later I learned of the death of the holy Cure. He was to be our protector in heaven. (Personal Notes, page 31)