Sunday, 24 July 2022 22:22

Downlands building, coming down, going up

Downlands building, coming down, going up

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Bob Irwin, who has been at Downlands this year while Vince Carroll is on Bathurst Island, sent these photos.

IMG 1879

The story with Downlands is that it is building new facilities as it prepares to begin taking in Prep to Year 3 in 2023 to join the current Years 4-12. Currently enrolment is c. 900, and that includes full boarding houses, which is unusual these days.

IMG 1875

In order to provide for the buildings and pick up and drop off of little ones, dozens of trees have had to be removed…and replanted later… as the driveway is doubled in width etc.

IMG 1876

Interestingly, the roundabout at the front of Tyson manner is being reduced in size…….meanwhile, the Sacred Heart Statue, which has proudly watched over the school for many years, has gone for a rest under Wagner family care, to return when construction is completed.

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Just thought, so many of us have worked at Downlands they might like to see what’s happening….for the good!