Wednesday, 22 June 2022 20:31

Reviving a custom, our Colleges’ students visiting NSW MSC Communities.

Reviving a custom, our Colleges’ students visiting NSW MSC Communities.

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Members of ‘Treand House’ from Downlands in front of a portrait of Peter Treand.

Before Covid and lockdown, our colleges used to have a kind of pilgrimage to Treand House, Kensington Monastery, St Mary’s Towers. After the lockdown hiatus, starting again.


Peter Hendriks reports:


Downlands College Student Leaders and Staff: On Wednesday we were graced with the visit from the student leaders of Downlands College and two of their teachers, Andrea and Michael. They have made their way to Chevalier College to share in the Sacred Heart Day Celebrations with other leaders and staff from our MSC schools.


Monivae College Student Leaders and Staff: Yesterday we were also graced with a visit from Monivae Student Leaders and Dany Franc (who is the source for some of my jokes).

It was so good of them to take the time to drop in and see more MSC people and places.


Both the Downlands College and Monivae College students and staff also visited the Monastery at Kenso and SMT Douglas Park, on their way to Chevalier College. May you all have wonderful celebrations today.