As I Look Back. Malcolm Fyfe MSC on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of his ordination, May 25th.
- Just prior to ordination Malcom was appointed to Monivae College, Hamilton (1961 to 1977). He was headmaster and Superior (1969 to 1977) and taught Mathematics (Pure, Applied and General) for 14 years.
- He was appointed to the Diocese of Darwin, (1978 to 1983) where he was Director of Catholic Education, Episcopal Vicar for Catholic Mission and Superior.
- Malcolm was then appointed to Bangalore (1987 to 2003), to set up MSC Seminary and Congregation.
- From 2005 to present Malcolm has been in Darwin where is currently Vicar General.
Malcolm wrote these memories for the Monivae Magazine, The Dolphin"
Just a little history to start with: as most readers of this article would know, Monivae College was founded by the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in 1954 and for its first two years used premises out on the Port Fairy Road. The College moved to its newly established campus on the Ballarat Road site at the start of 1956. So, it was to quite a young educational institution that I, in January 1961, while still a trainee for the priesthood, was appointed. Together with Brother Noel Mansfield, I was driven out from Melbourne on a fearfully hot Summer’s day by the then Rector, Father John J. McMahon MSC.
The title, Rector, combine two roles. One was that of Religious Superior of the missionaries of the Sacred Heart, of whom there were then about 24 Priests and Brothers resident at Monivae; the other role was that of Headmaster of the College. The journey from Melbourne to Hamilton on that January day seemed endless and I had little idea of what I was heading for and no idea of what lay ahead of me. Monivae was to be my home for the next 17 years. Within eight years, I myself was appointed the College Rector.
Meantime I was ordained a priest on 25 May 1962 by Archbishop Justin Simonds at the (then) Sacred Heart Monastery, Croydon, Victoria. I taught Senior Mathematics (Pure, Applied and General) for 14 years, filled in as a teacher of other subjects, pretended I could be a junior football coach, promoted and trained the Students Choir, composed two Monivae Mass Settings and the musical score for the original College, “Monivae College, We Hail You with Pride…”. From 1965 to 1968 I was the Senior Boarding Master for the 300 all-male boarders. Then I was appointed Headmaster of the College and Religious Superior for the MSC Community, roles I had for the next nine years. During the last six years of my time there were we were able gradually to change from having an all-male student body to being a co-educational Boarding and Day College.
What happened then?
Briefly: On finishing up at Monivae , I was appointed to the Northern Territory with for six years I was the Director of Catholic Education, Vicar for Missions and the Religious Superior for the 25 or so MSC Priests and Brothers working there. In 1982 I was asked to undertake a study of the feasibility and advisability of setting up our MSC Congregation in India. After two years of study in Rome, I was asked to “walk the talk” and thus began my 17 years stretch in India. Much later, with the Congregation established there, I handed over the reins to one of our Indian MSC priests and return to Australia, more specifically, to Darwin. After another 17 years, I’m still here. Again, I have had several portfolios but for many years now I have been what’s known as the Vicar General of the diocese.
So, what did I encounter at the end of that seemingly endless car trip in 1961? I found a vibrant and friendly MSC Community as well is a group of dedicated lay staff. We knocked a lot of fun out of our experiences in the classroom and the extra-curricular activities. The students were friendly and so it seemed to me, happy on balance, to be there: for the boarders it was pretty much a home away from home. They came from rural-based families for the most part. Cadets and sport were very much important. Monivae students excelled in both.
For many years Vicar General for Bishop Eugene Hurley, now for Bishop Charles Gaucici.
I haven’t had a great deal of interaction with Monivae College since my departure 44 years ago. From time to time, I receive a phone call or a letter or a visit from a former student, often enough to let me know that in spite of any misdemeanour they may have engaged in wild at Monivae, they have subsequently made a success of their life.
Some years back, while I was waiting to catch a plane at Darwin Airport, a well-built fellow came up to me and rather threateningly said, “you’re Father Fyfe. You expelled me from Monivae”. I asked, “Why did I do that?”. He replied: “You said I was…”. I said, “Well, were you?”. He said, “Yes, I was. Come and have a drink!”.
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