Wednesday, 04 May 2022 22:40

Introducing the new website of the Laity of the Chevalier Family

Introducing the new website of  the Laity of the Chevalier Family

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It is with great pleasure, that the international Council of the Laity of the Chevalier Family launches the Website that celebrates the life and spirit of the Laity of the Chevalier Family. The vision of our founder, Fr Jules Chevalier reflects the Vision of Jesus of Nazareth for a community of followers where all are equal and every member can participate with their particular gifts to the building of the Body of Christ.

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This Website has two important purposes:

Firstly, to be a point of contact for those inside and outside the Chevalier Family for information and contact details. As such, it will prominently link to other national lay Chevalier Family websites and contacts.

And secondly, to be the definitive record of the essential documents that articulate the nature and distinctiveness of the lay charism of the Chevalier Family.

The Website will operate on the following principles;

1. The Website will be relatively static only requiring updating of contact details, posting of new publications and updated material, as required to keep it up to date.

2. The operating language of the Website will be English, but the site will utilise a google translate function to translate into the language of our member countries.

3. It will be linked to our current Facebook page that contains day-to-day information about the global family.

4. The Website will make every attempt for images to be reflective of our inclusive understanding of church, lifestyle and gender and be compliant with international legal requirements for Copyright and Privacy

This website reflects the collaboration of many people including the members of the International Council, many professed brothers and sisters, especially Fr Hans and most particularly the expertise of Brett Adamson and Matt Price.

The URL of the site is:

We encourage each National Council of member countries, and leaders within the professed members to familiarise themselves with the structure and content of the site and to actively use the material to assist in forming members. We encourage members to communicate with the International Council with suggestions for improvement, especially with short histories of the development of the lay movement in member countries.

Our hope and prayer is that this site will assist in making the Sacred Heart of Jesus known and loved everywhere.  Ametur.