Monday, 21 February 2022 22:24

Directors of Ministries and Provincial Council Meetings at St Mary's Tower

Directors of Ministries and Provincial Council Meetings at St Mary's Tower

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There was a gathering recently of the Directors of Ministries and the Provincial Council.

The first day was a facilitated by Anne McAtomney, the Chevalier Institute Director, whereby she led a day of formation for the Directors and the Councillors. It was an opportunity for those new to Heart Spirituality and the MSC Charism to be introduced to it - and for those more familiar, to go deeper.

meeting hol etc

o    ©        Chris McPhee msc - Provincial

o    ©        Andrew Mir - Province Bursar, Business Operations

o    ©        Catherine Molihan - Province Care and Assisted Living

o    ©        Mark McGinnity - MSC Education

o    ©        Clare Shearman - Heart of Life, MSC Spirituality and Pastoral Formation

o    ©        Roger Purcell msc – Mission Office

o    ©        Frank Dineen msc – Formation, Vocations and On-going Formation

o    ©        Meta Jackman – Professional Standards and Safeguarding.


The second day was set aside for the Directors to talk to the Council and the other Directors about their ministry. It was a very rich time of listening to each other and learning how our charism is expressed in so many different ways. 


prov council group

Provincial Council.

Chapter of the Australian Province 2023: Chris McPhee has sent a letter to all professed MSC informing them of the dates for the 2023 Chapter. It will be held 17th-28th April. It is earlier than in previous years because the General would like to know by May who will be the delegates for the General Chapter. The General Chapter is in the latter half of 2023.