Never too late. Bob Irwin and Roy O’Neill are still graduating: MSC Ongoing Formation Facilitator’s Training.
Bob writes: This is a first! Roy O’Neill and I and another 7 or so MSC around the world.
Whilst I was at MONIVAE last year and a member of the Melbourne community! I made use of free time to do the course. Hopefully it will help me with the men when I get back to Vietnam!…fingers crossed and knees bent.
I would recommend it…..very well done on line…..with plenty of personal online interaction as you can see from the certificate itself.
While the ceremony is tomorrow so no photo - but our archives show has been graduating for some time.
And here is an opportunity to share vicariously in the Graduation! Bob sent the text of the ceremony. Here it is. Chris Chaplin responsible.
Graduation Ceremony MSC Ongoing Formation Facilitators’ Training Thursday February 10 – Join Zoom Meeting 8pm Sydney, 6pm Seoul, 5pm Manila, 2.30pm Bangalore, 11am Southern Africa, 10am Rome and Spain, and 9am UK and Senegal.
- Graduation Certificates signed by Trainers will be emailed to Trainees this week, to be used in this ceremony. Official originals will come in the post later.
- Trainees, please print certificates emailed to you and have with you at the graduation ceremony. If you wish to decorate (tie in ribbon) please do so.
- Everyone, bring a candle that can represent this moment for you (and matches or something to light the candle with).
- Everyone, please reflect on the questions in the section below called “Testimonial”– please prepare your thoughts to share with everyone. You will have about 3 mins to speak, so keep it focussed and authentic.
- Everyone, please bring your own drink (snack if you wish) for the social.
In the presence of the Congregation and your Trainers we gather. (Chris) (Lighting of the MSC Ongoing Formation candle)
Moving Forward in the Spirit James Maher, msc
Refrain: Moving forward in the Spirit,
taking new steps with a trusting heart,
sharing a vision to form our future,
Instruments in God’s hands,
Missionaries of God’s heart. Repeat
For all that has been, and all that is,
For the toil in each mission place,
We give thanks for the showings of God therein;
the Divine with a human face. Refrain:
The call to be prophets is rising again,
In the church and the world of our time.
With courage and trust, and through deep listening,
New ways will bear God’s sign. Refrain:
Facing the challenge to die and rise,
Held in love’s mystery.
Ready and open to God’s surprise.
New heart! New urgency! Refrain:
Trainees & Trainers. (3 mins each)
- Now that you have finished the course what has surprised you the most about your experience?
- What is your hope for yourself and your entity in the context of OGF and facilitation?
Calling of the Name
Each trainee will be called by name by their trainer.
Afterwards each trainer will be called by the Superior General or OGFC. When the person called has shared, we all pause and allow some silence while they light their personal candle. We acknowledge that person and their testimony.
Presentation of Certificate
Congratulations on having met the requirements and standards of the MSC OGF Facilitators Training. We welcome you into this inaugural body of qualified Facilitators. This qualification is officially recognised by the Congregation through the 2021 General Conference. [N.] we take great pleasure in awarding you this certificate. [Applause]
Everyone extends hands over the Trainees (Chris) |
May the Spirit of the Dance be with you. |
(Georges) |
May the Spirit of Awakening touch you, That you in turn may touch one another, In your celebrations and your wounded-ness In your going out and your return. |
(Tony) |
May the Spirit of Dis-Covering find you. That you in turn may find one another, In your listening and remembering, In your brokenness and your connection. |
(Ireneo) |
May the Spirit of Creating fashion you that you in turn may fashion one another, in sensitivity and in gentleness, in artistry and awe. |
(Chris) |
May the Spirit of Dwelling quiet you, that you in turn may be quiet resting places for one another, in the desert and the garden, in the city and at home. |
(Georges) |
May the Spirit of Nourishing feed you, that you in turn may feed one another, in your hungers and your yearnings, In your neediness and your losses. |
(Tony) |
May the Spirit of Traditioning inspire you, That you in turn may inspire one another, as lovers and teachers, as mentors and models. |
(Ireneo) |
May the Spirit of Transforming re-create you, that you in turn may give new life to one another, And to all of Earth’s creatures, and to the Earth itself. |
(Ireneo) |
May our loving God, the Creator, the Living Word, and the Holy Spirit, come upon you and remain with you forever. Amen. |
Woman of the Sacred Heart James Maher msc
In you our flesh he had to come
You grounded him upon our earth
Your feet that walked, your womb that held
Your pain that brought this love to birth.
The Sacred Heart of him you held
can grieve and grow within the space,
of patient love and listening;
a mother’s choice o’ mystic’s grace.
In your delight, in your despair,
The smallest choices of each day;
The cost to you, your hope-filled yes,
Your courage lived shows us the way.
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart,
Eternal sign of God surprise,
In you we know the poor as blessed,
This world transformed before our eyes.
O Woman of the Sacred Heart,
You heard the words of Gabriel.
Pray we may hear the call of God
and come to meet Emmanuel.
His truth is witnessed in your face,
that he became and was and is
The Sacred Heart, the resting place;
Our hearts forever held in his.