Monday, 15 November 2021 22:49

Book launch, Blackburn, 6 MSC books (after lockdown)

Book launch, Blackburn, 6 MSC books (after lockdown)

launch philip again Copy

After the 10.30 Mass at St Thomas Blackburn, the launch was held of 6 books by Melbourne MSC community writers, published in 2020 and 2021 – but no launches because of lockdown.

launch philip

Community leader, Philip Malone, was MC. The books were launched by the honorary Victorian confrere (locked down at Monivae for several months), Bob Irwin. Friends of the community and friends of the authors were present. Peter Curry provided refreshments.

launch audience

The launch was filmed by Trieu and Anh for simultaneous or later viewing on the MSC Australia Vocations’ Facebook site and the MSC Australia Facebook page.  (And thanks to Trieu for the photos of the event.)

Two disappointments.  Brian Gallagher was unwell and unable to come – restricted to watching online. Coventry Press editor, Hugh McGinley (who has shepherded 16 books by MSC authors since 2018) had to go into isolation because of connection with covid infected relatives.  Hugh usually speaks at the launches. He sent a message, below.

launch bob irwin

Bob Irwin, with his long experience in education, spoke engagingly about the authors, noting their work in formation, the common denominator of their writing in their search for and discovery of their God. Bob also noted that he would not be reading Brian’s The Joy of Ageing until he thought it was relevant! He offered strong support for the authors and their work.

launch khoi

Khoi spoke of his struggles with diagnosing the difficulties with his eyes and sight. His own writing of the Way of the Cross in Towards Calvary, and a heartfelt invitation to readers to share his experience of Living with Disability.

With Brian absent, Peter Malone acknowledged Brian’s contribution to the Province, Vocations Director, Formation Director, establishing the Heart of Life Centre (now completing its 39th year), Provincial, and many books on prayer, communal discernment and, more recently, 6 books with Coventry, Set me Free, The Eyes of God, God’s Foolishness, Communal Wisdom, No Greater Love,The Joy of Ageing.

launch pjm

Peter Malone spoke on his Dear Movies, letters to films, written when he was turning 80, films which influenced his life, spirituality, communications ministry, 101 letters. Just as there has been a tradition of Lectio Divina, Spiritual Reading, now there is a developing tradition of Visio Divina, Spiritual Viewing.  10 Minutes is a short book of 20 reflections on the Gospels in the light of the Old Testament, drawing on over 50 years of teaching Old Testament and Gospel studies. The book has a personal style, engaging in conversation with the reader.

Hugh’s comments: All publishers need good authors. For small Christian publishers like Coventry Press, this is specially the case.

Coventry is a Melbourne -based publisher, committed to publishing for the major Australian churches. Our list includes serious theology and scripture as well as spirituality, ethics, church history and social justice.

launch book table

Above all, our purpose is to publish books that help everyday Christians live lives of faithfulness to the gospel of Jesus Christ, within the community called the church.

That is why today’s celebration is important. Each of our authors - Peter Malone, Khoi Nguyen and Brian Gallagher – all religious of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart – has written books that, while different in content and style – help us to understand our tradition, deepen our faith, fill us with hope.

I congratulate them for the gifts they offer us and thank them for choosing to publish with Coventry Press.


Then refreshments – all in all, 28 minutes of the formalities of the event, as can be seen: