The MSC Province of the Pacific Islands – a growing region
Pre-Novitiate Program
Warren Perrotto MSC, Pre-novice Master
If memory serves me correctly, in the January Fiji Diary, I was asked to be the Pre-Novice Master. Fr. Pone Luatuanuu, MSC, and Br. Colin Sinclair, MSC, and I coordinate the program.
In 1992, the MSC Formators met in Valladolid to discuss the congregation's formation programs. This meeting resulted in their formulation of what is known as the Valladolid Documents. It notes, the purpose of the pre-novitiate program is to help the candidate make a free and deliberate choice between the Christian states of life, to facilitate his human and spiritual growth, and to allow the community to assess the motives and readiness of the candidate for religious life. Normally this necessitates an experience of living in an MSC community for at least one year. (MSC Constitutions, 80, Guidelines for Formation, Valladolid Conference (VC), Spain, 1992.)
This stage of formation begins a journey to be a Missionary of the Sacred Heart (MSC). Thus, the prime motive of the candidate is to be an MSC. The pre-novitiate program begins planting the seeds for growth in the candidate's human and spiritual development. The Director and community members assist him in developing as an "integrated and integral human being." (VC, 1.1) The novice, indeed, is he, himself, the formator. His formation, thus, requires self-discipline, self-perception, openness for change, with a deep, internalised spiritual foundation to be one with the Sacred Heart, to be within and through His Sacred Heart, to be in Mission with the Sacred Heart, and to be His heart in this fragile and broken world.
Assessment of the pre-novice to move into the Novitiate Program involves evaluating his growth in his Emotional Maturity and Spiritual Life to be like Jesus "who loved with a human heart." Developing a Missionary Spirit is vital for becoming an MSC with a worldwide, integral mission to make the Sacred Heart known and loved everywhere. The novice must display a deep love for all persons with concern and compassion. Community living and community building are constituent elements of the Consecrated Life. Members must learn how to relate well with each other with charity and kindness. Intellectual Development and a Healthy Lifestyle likewise have a significant status for an MSC. Lastly, the novice is expected to have a growing sense of commitment to live the Consecrated Life as a Missionary of the Sacred Heart.
Here in Fiji, yours truly has "accompaniment" with the pre-novices every two weeks and group discussions, which include discussing concerns, evaluating the program at this moment, and evaluating their formator. They participate in the morning liturgy and community prayer with the professed members. They are to help with meal preparation for morning breakfasts and weekends. On Mondays to Fridays, they have three classes. The first is on the Consecrated Life, followed by two English classes. On Wednesday, Father Pone teaches Temporary Professed with the
Scripture. Br. Colin prepares the "examine" each evening. Tuesdays and Thursdays are workdays, and Mondays and Wednesdays are recreational days. Private prayer and study are required each day. This year's lessons on the Consecrated Life included MSC charism and spirituality, history, human development, human sexuality, and the meaning of the vows. (The vows and the Constitutions are more intensely examined in the novitiate setting.) In addition, the novices are required to give reflections during the Eucharistic celebrations. In English classes, they learn grammar, composition, how to provide oral reports and have debates. They learn to evaluate each other realistically after each does his presentation.
Visit the Pacific Province website to read about each of the seven pre-novices and their vision.