US, 2014, 71 minutes, Colour.
Directed by Peter W.Kunhardt.
This is a brief but powerful documentary. It is made up of clips from Nixon’s tapes, which were all finally made available by 2013.
The principal tapes are from those that Nixon made, taping the interviews and discussions in his office. However, the filmmakers go back to newsreel footage, speeches made by Nixon, at social events, politically, campaigning in 1960 as well as in 1970 1968 and 1972.
The overall impact of this film is negative concerning Nixon and his personality, his attitudes and motivations, his political life. It does go back into his California background, his Quaker family, his upbringing and education, his interest in politics, activities in the 1950s, especially connected with Senator Joe McCarthy.
There are many conversations, the text printed out for greater clarity, and an indication as to who was at the other end of the telephone, especially the significant members of his staff, and especially with Henry Kissinger.
The Nixon who is revealed is an ambitious man, brooking no opposition, resentful towards enemies. And, in his remarks, those chosen for this film, he emerges as anti-Semitic, racist against black Americans, misogynistic, not wanting women in positions of power and legal authority. At times, he has a foul mouth.
The film traces his downfall, Senate investigations, the work of the Washington Post journalists, his resignation and farewell – and some interviews with him afterwards, commenting and giving his own assessment of his life, especially of his political life.
This film will reinforce negative attitudes towards Richard Nixon.