Saturday, 09 October 2021 13:01

El Camino Christmas


US, 2017, 91 minutes, Colour.
Luke Grimes, Tim Allen, Dax Shepard, Kurtwood Smith, Vincent D’ Onofrio, Kimberly Flynn, Michelle Mylette, Jessica Alba, Jimmy O.Yang.
Directed by David Talbert.

El Camino has many connotations, the Spanish for road, the many Caminos in the United States, the Camino pilgrimage in Spain. And, when connected to Christmas?
While this is an American Christmas story, the links to Christmas are rather tenuous.

Rather, this is a story of a young man, Luke Grimes, coming to the town in search of his father. He is arrested because of drug possession, being confronted by the two police of the town, older and younger, as well as a whole range of oddball characters. There is also a pregnant television personality and her cameraman.

Some of enjoyed the film as being a satiric comedy. Others have not found it funny at all. So, with the general public, it is probably a bit hit and miss, hit or miss.

1. The title? Expectations? The Hispanic tone? The Western US States? The occasion of Christmas, Christmas story? The veering of expectations?

2. The opening, Christmas, the snow, the shooting, the two police officers and the threats? The screenplay going back 36 hours?

3. The introduction to the town, out in the desert, no snow for 40 years? Ordinary life in the town, Cooper and his drinking, police officer, lazy? His being reprimanded by his
superior? His being gunned happy? Deputy Fuller, earnest, slow off the mark, the sheriff as his patron, collaborating with Cooper?

4. This intake, the store, a gathering place, Kate helping out, her son and his not talking, the therapy session? Single mother? Her studying, able to fix the freezer? The Centre relying on her? The background of her mother, her father walking out, the mother wanting to be glamorous, the dates, to go bowling? The tension in the house, Kate not wanting her mother-to-be her mother? Taking the boys to the store?

5. Eric, his arrival, ordinary young man, looking in at the motel, his credit card not active, paying in cash? Suspicions? His going to the store, confronted by the police, Cooper telling him to get out? His going to the house, looking for his father, the encounter with Tim Roth, going for a drink, fights in the bar, money for the jukebox, the drinking? Roth not being helpful? Eric returning to the motel, trying to fix the toilet, the police, the planting of the drugs, accusations, arrest, the bashing is, in the cell? Billy, the key, leaving the cell open, urging Eric to escape?

6. Eric, getting his car, the previous comments by the police about the car, Cooper seeing him, the pursuit, shooting? Eric and his driving, Cooper and his crashing?

7. Eric, the return to the store, Roth and his going to the store to get the drink, This intake and his gift of the sixpack, Kate with her son? Cooper and his pursuit, shooting at the store, setting up the siege? Cooper being shot in the leg, in the store, his gun taken? His accusations? Roth and his reaction, taking charge?

8. Kate, her boy, Eric previously buying him a slice of cake, the gift of the truck, the explanation of the batteries? The long time? Food, drinking, singing Christmas carols?

9. The sheriff, Billy and his trying to be conscientious with the data? The puzzle? The siege, the TV interviewer, the sheriff being curt with her? The live feed going national? Calling the FBI and the troops, waiting?

10. Television, the pregnant interviewer, her assistant, filming the Christmas play? The siege, getting footage? The interview? Going national? The strong questions? The pregnancy, her giving birth?

11. The shooting beginning? This intake and his being wounded? Erich also shot?

12. Roth, the revelation of who he was, Erik discovering the truth, his reaction? His experience of his father? Roy, the story about Vietnam, his responsibilities, the deaths, the consequences, his abandoning his family? Sense of guilt? His decision to take the responsibility, going outside, the guns, his death?

13. Christmas, the snow, the pregnant reporter and the ambulance, Eric and the ambulance, descent a and he is worms?

14. Six months later, descent a and the payout, on holiday? Kate, her son, his having said thank you to Eric? Billy and his campaign for sheriff and the lady reporting the aliens? Eric arriving, the piece of cake…?

15. Not quite what was expected from the title?

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