Saturday, 09 October 2021 13:00

True History of the Kelly Gang, The


Australia/UK/France, 2019, Colour.
George Mac Kay, Essie Davis, Nicholas Hoult, Charlie Hunnam, Russell Crowe, Orlando Schwerdt, Thomasin Mc Kenzie, Sean Keenan, Earl Cave, Marlon Williams, Louis Hewison, Josephine Blazier.
Directed by Justin Kurzel.

The tagline on the posters for this film is: Rewrite History. And there you have it. Fantasy or Reality?

Then, as the title goes on screen, the word ‘true’ is highlighted, ironically. The screenplay is based on the Booker-prize-winning novel (2001) by Peter Carey, so this is his point of view and interpretation of the Kellys via director Justin Kurzel (Snowtown, Macbeth, Assassins’ Creed). And Peter Carey is one of the producers of this film.

It could be said that most audiences would not say that they liked this film. None of the characters is likeable, even Ned himself, although there will be some sympathy for him when he was a boy (Orlando Schwerdt), a devotion to his father who was dismissed by his slatternly and possessive mother, all scrounging out a living on a selection where the landscape look like fired land and skeletal tree limbs.

Then, he is patronised by a self-satisfied bushranger, Harry Power (Russell Crowe larger-than-life) who tries to corrupt Ned, buying him from his unscrupulous mother (a convincingly horrid portrait by Essie Davis). Mrs Kelly takes lovers, especially a police trooper played by Charlie Hunnam and who is violently ousted by Harry Power.

By this stage, many in the audience will be thinking that they have to go home and check out the history of Ned Kelly and the Kelly family to find out whether what they have been seeing is accurate or not (not!).

And, this continues the latter part of the film where Ned, now a young adult and played by George Mac Kay, has been trained as a boxer, fights in the presence of the Governor of Victoria, is patronised by a British trooper, Fitzpatrick, seemingly friendly, but manipulating Ned to his own purposes and played by Nicolas Hoult. He introduces Ned, seemingly a touch Puritan in his life so far despite the violence, to the world of brothels, Ned discovering the friendly Mary Hearn (Thomasin Mc Kenzie) and further complications with his mother who intends to marry a younger American and go to America.

It is the British trooper, his breaking his promises, his double dealing with Kate Kelly, that turn Ned into a violent rebel. He re-discovers his brother, Dan, and Dan’s friend, Steve Hart. Ned has his own friend, Joe Byrne, and some homoerotic moments between them. But, speaking of homoerotic, much is made of the propensity of the bushrangers and gangs dressing in women’s clothes to put off the police riding through the countryside, the dresses as equivalent of masks.

It is surprising for Ned Kelly traditionalists to see the gang all wearing dresses, Ned included, as they prepare for the coming of the train with the police to Glenrowan, Ned sitting at a desk in his dress, writing his memoirs for his unborn daughter, hostage Thomas Curnow wanting to advise him about his writing and literature, and going out to warm the train.

Yes, there are the helmets, based on the Civil War impregnable submarine, a very stylised picturing of the troops lined up and firing at Ned and the gang, expressionistic rather than realistic.

And, just as we were feeling deprived of Ned’s last words, “Such is life�, Curnow gives a speech to a large and applauding public denouncing the outlaw.

As has been said, this may not be the true story of the Kelly gang and we need to go back to check some sources to verify what we have seen – or find that it was not so. An argument could be made for Ned Kelly being something of a local hero in his uprising against authorities – or, he could simply seem to be, as those opposed to his legend declare, an Irish-Australian? killer.

Since there have been so many films of the Kellys over the decades, think Mick Jagger and Heath Ledger, there are plenty of film versions of Ned and the Kelly gang for comparisons.

1. Ned Kelly, his history, the legends, hero/villain? The range of films and the variety of interpretations?

2. The title of this film, the comparison with legends, attempting a True History? The work of Peter Carey, his novel, Booker Prize? His interpretation? Fantasy and reality? Facts and fiction? The ironic title with true? With history?

3. 1867, Victoria, the poverty of the Selection, the look of the land, fire, the sticks of trees, skeletal? The Irish, put upon Catholics? The hard life? The British, the authorities, the troopers? Bushrangers? The harshness?

4. Ned Kelly 10, within his family, his admiration for his father, his father riding, wearing the dress, the bequest to his son? His mother, slatternly, the liaison with O’ Neill, her love for her son, demonstrative, in the bed, too close? The death of her husband, the funeral? The other children as babies? Ned himself, his voice-over, lack of opportunity, lack of education, home, work? The possibilities of his learning and improvement? His mother selling him for £15? To Harry Power? His being unwilling, forced, Harry Power at his house, bushranger, demands on Ned, the episode with O’ Neill, humiliating him, Ned not being able to kill? His resentment of Harry Power? Power and the police? His death?

5. 10 years passing, the introduction to the adult Ned, the boxing, hard fists, in front of the Governor? The presence of Fitzpatrick, his patronage, liking Ned, taking him to the brothel, the girls, the introduction to Mary? Ned and his rather puritanical attitudes? The relationship with Mary, her pregnancy? Going home, his return to his mother, the continued possessive love, justifying herself concerning the sale? The relationship with George King, the plans to marry? The social? King’s singing? The irony of his being the father of Mary’s child? Ned and his friendship with Joe Byrne, the homoerotic undertones? Dan growing up, Steve Hart, Kate? Attitudes towards the law, the horse stealing, the consequences?

6. Fitzpatrick, liking Ned, the discussions, using him, something of a mentor, the deal to save his mother, Dan and Steve Hart? Kate going to Fitzpatrick? Fitzpatrick and his insolently breaking the deal? Ned confronting him?

7. The cause for Ned to change? The oppressed life, rebel against authority, his understanding this or not? Fitzpatrick’s betrayal? The imprisonment of his mother? Fitzpatrick’s death?

8. His tough stances, the guns, assembling his friends around him, the gang, rebels, the robberies?

9. The issue of the dresses, their being described as a mask to deceive the police? Homoerotic implications?

10. Ned Kelly’s helmet, the story of the Civil War submarine? Testing it out, the shooting, protecting the men from the police?

11. Ned, writing his story, revealing himself? The unborn daughter?

12. Glenrowan, taking hostages, the men in their dresses, Ned and his address, writing his memoir, the hostage Curnow, the discussion about books, writing, Curnow’s offer of help, going to warm the train?

13. The approach of the train, Curnow stopping it, the warning? The expressionistic photography of the lights, the men ranged in line, the shootings, Ned in his helmet, the men fleeing?

14. Ned in prison, the encounter with his mother, her supporting him, the chaplain, the gallows?

15. The aftermath, Curnow and the large assembly, fashionable society, his explaining Ned’s last words, “such is life�, denouncing him as an outlaw?

16. The subsequent status of Ned Kelly, hostile stances, admiration and legendary stances?

17. The need for the audience to go back to historical sources after seeing this film?

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