UK, 2016, 112 minutes, Colour.
Peter Mullan, Jack Lowdon, Ophelia Lovibond, Sam Neill, Peter Fernando.
Directed by Jason Connery.
And who is Tommy? Actually, there are two Tom Morrises in this film, the old and the junior. And anyone who knows the history of golf will be able to identify them immediately.
This is very much a golfing film, a film for enthusiasts for the sport and with a knowledge of its history. Non--golf-fans may well feel on the outer as they watch the film, allowing for the fact that there will be details of tournaments, strokes and difficulties, achievements. But they will acknowledge that this film offers significant golf history.
The setting is 19th century Scotland and information is given at the end about the careers of the Morrises as well as a number of photos of the actual characters, a reminder that Tommy Morris Jr is considered the greatest golfer of the 19th century. And his father who lived to the age of 85, was the designer of over 70 golf courses.
So, who were the Morrises and where did they live? Actually at St Andrews – so not far to go for play. The film opens in the 1860s and moves into the 1870s with Tommy Morris national champion at the age of 17 and winning four successive championships before he was 21.
The important theme for the film is that of class in British society in the 19th century. The Morris family were servant class. Old Tom Morris was seen as a servant, working as groundskeeper and caddy for the Lord of the manor. And this was the world into which his children were born. And it is very clear that they were to keep their place, that they were often told that they were not gentlemen, that they could never become members of the golf club at St Andrews, that they were paid to play by the aristocracy who bet on their success.
Tommy Morris Jr was something of a rebel, sometimes defying his father, who was always very proud of him and his achievement, challenging the local aristocrat, demanding more professional payment, but always treated humiliatingly as a person.
There is a Scots humane story underlying Tommy’s Honour, the dour Scots family life with its churchgoing and Bible reading, a very stern mother, young Tommy attracted by a local servant girl, six years his senior, defending her reputation, marrying her, her pregnancy.
Veteran Scots actor, Peter Mullan, is the older Thomas. Jack Lowdon, young and brash, brings Tommy Morris Jr to vivid life. Ophelia Lovibond is Meg, his wife, also humiliated as a servant but also powerfully defying Tommy’s rather puritanical mother. Sam Neill is the local aristocrat.
It is a film for sports lovers and golfers will personally be interested in the history, in the influence of the Morrises and the development of the contemporary sport. For others, watching the film might be a bit like being a member of the crowds who tag along, moving from hole to hole.
(A bit of Scots history. The film was directed by Jason Connery, actor and director with an Australian mother, Diane Cilento, and a Scots father, Sean Connery.)
1. A golf film? Scots film? The history of golf? Golf in the 19th century? The development of the current game?
2. The re-creation of the period? Costumes and decor? Locations, the towns, the mansions of the gentry, the districts of the poor, the golf courses? Scotland in that period? The musical score?
3. St Andrews, its history, the course, the caddies, the players, the gentleman in control of the clubs? Berwick and other courses?
4. Tommy Morris, young, his culture, his family, class issues, relationship with his father, his father’s influence on his game, the response of the public, his performance, contests and patronage?
5. Old Tom and his story, his age, experience, the family, greenkeeper, designer of courses, as a professional caddy? Relationship with his wife and children? With Young Tom, his games?
6. The Morris family, the role of the Father, his patriarchal presence, the strength of Nancy, her strict background, church, Bible reading? The children? Jackie and his disability, Tommy carrying him? The scenes at home?
7. Tom, Katie, greenkeeper, his skills, making the clubs, the golf balls, teaching his son, watching his son, making decisions? Working with Alexander Boothby? Considered a servant?
8. The younger Tommy, teenager, exuberant, his talent, his place in the family, relationship to his siblings, especially Jackie? Parents, churchgoing, Bible reading? His skill at the games? Boothby and the bets, the gentleman of the club, his being the champion for four years, under 21? His opponents, the details of the games?
9. Meg, Tommy seen her, meeting, talking, courting, buying the cake, buying the expensive dress? Travelling together? Her jobs, as a servant, being slapped for a ribbon in her hair? The proposal? The ceremony, the commitment, Tom’s mother absent, Meg confronting her, the mother coming to the dinner? Meg and her pregnancy, the difficulty of the birth, Nancy helping her, the message to Tommy? The death of the death of the baby?
10. Tommy, partnership with David, the games, the other golfers, rivalries, the crowds following?
11. Tommy and is challenged to Boothby, about money, payments, standing his ground, membership of the clubs, Boothby and the snobbery of the gentleman, condemning the Morris family always to the status of servants?
12. Tommy, the important game, his father not giving him the telegram, completing the game, the boat ride, his arriving late, Meg of the baby dead, his broken heart?
13. The further challenge, thinking of Meg, his decision to play, in the snow? His collapse, sitting at home, his father, his death at such a young age?
14. The final information, his still being considered the greatest of 19th-century players?