Saturday, 09 October 2021 12:55

4 Kings


Germany, 2015, 98 minutes, Colour.
Jella Haase, Paula Beer, Jannis Niewhoner, Moritz Leu, Clemens Schick.
Directed by Theresa von Eltz.

4 Kings is a glimpse of mental health amongst young adults, for people in an institution in Germany. There is a sympathetic psychiatrist who has methods which are not approved of by the authorities, getting the four into a group, some sharing rooms, all enabled to interact with each other for better or for worse.

With some of the group, there are glimpses of the parents, especially the two young women, one of whom has an absent father and a neurotic mother, the other who has a dominating mother and a passive father. Of the two young men, one is violently angry against his father, especially during a pre-Christmas visit, dismissing him as a weakling. The fourth member of the group has a very low self-image and attempts to kill himself.

While the psychiatrist is sympathetic, one of the nurses is a stickler for rules and regulations which has a harsh effect on the four.

The reference to 4 Kings is to a group of young children putting on a Christmas play and the arrival of the Magi.

1. A serious look at mental health of young adults? German? Universal?

2. The title, the reference to the Magi, the addition of King Alphonso? The reference to the four young adults, the children naming them the Kings, their wearing the crowns? Working with the young children, the discussions about the Kings, the making of the crowns?

3. Lyrics of the opening song, with reference to the behaviour of young people? The song during the final credits?

4. The setting of the institution, the wards, the rooms, shower block, corridors? The office of Dr Wolfe? The exteriors, the woods, the lake? The Christmas setting? The weather? Snow?

5. The prologue, Lara and the interview about Christmas, what she missed, her memories? The later taking up of this video?

6. The introduction to Alexandra, her neurotic mother, her father getting her for Christmas, her indecision, her mother as passive-aggressive and weeping, the father taking her? Seeing her with the injury, neck brace? Her explanation that she jumped out of the moving car?

7. Introduction to Fedja, from Georgia, quiet, passive? The story of his being bullied at school? Standing like a victim?

8. The introduction to Timo, his coming from the secure wing?

9. Dr Wolfe, his place in the institution, his theories, more permissive? Nurse Simone, her strict attitudes, defying Dr Wolfe? The treatment of the four? Hostility towards T-Mobile?

10. The meetings, the discussion group, Dr Wolfe taking them outside, their interactions?

11. Fedja, upset at Timo, sharing the room with him, the shower, the wounds on his back, his sitting down, Timo’s comment, his going to the window, jumping? Breaking his arm? His return? The talks with Timo, Timo urging him to stand up for himself?

12. Timo, perpetually angry, his rage, outbursts? The visit of his father, accusing his father of passivity? The father’s gift, his breaking it? Dr Wolfe finding it at the end? His interest in Alexandra, walking with her, talking? At Christmas, touches of kindness, the walk, wearing the crown?
Drinking? At the lake? Diving in to save Lara? Unhappy at the prank? His defence of Dr Wolfe, the attack on Simone, breaking her nose? His being confined, going to the secure wing?

13. Alexandra, gradually brought out of herself, going for the run with Dr Wolfe, leaping and shouting, venting anger at her mother? The friendship with Lara? The lake?

14. Lara, the visit of her parents, her dominating and critical mother, the kindly father? The gift of the book because it was the mother’s favourite? Her wanting to go home? The mother having so many guests at Christmas? The videos, Fedja interviewing her about Christmas? The interview with Simone and Simone having no life outside the institution? Alexandra and her wanting Christmas Day to have everything nice?

15. Dr Wolfe, his personal background, seeing him at work, his concern about the four? The criticism of Simone, reporting him to the director? The sitting, the director’s critique, curbing his stances, his slamming the door? His friendship with some of the staff? The final interaction with the four, with Timo?

16. The background of life in an institution, the mental health the young people, possibilities for rehabilitation?

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