Friday, 01 October 2021 22:57

Abzalon MSC, Exhortation from the General Conference

Abzalon MSC, Exhortation from the General Conference

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For our weekend reading and reflection

Dear Confreres,

this General Conference has been for all of us a new opportunity to unlearn and deconstruct previous formats and paradigms of action and to open ourselves to the possibility of the new, of what emerges from the new 'normality' we face.

When we started, we had to decide that two members of the General Team would be our facilitators, and I am convinced that this was God's Will. Thank you, Humberto and Chris, for your guidance, patience, and hard work during these months. Our host team members from different parts of the world have been the basis for this activity: Thank you, Roy, Brett, Kenji, Michael, Ireneo, and Tiago. To Richard and Hengky, our secretaries.

gen conf hosts

And to Richard Kim, who has enlightened and helped us so much with his visual listening. Together with them, I thank all the translators we have had. The members of the General Team ended up being the steering committee of this Conference.

The whole Chevalier Family, namely: OLSH Sisters, MSC Sisters, and the Laity of the Chevalier Family, both at the provincial level and from the international committee, have been very close to us during the running of this Conference. Particularly with the Laity, we have been in communication.

This Conference has reconfirmed that the Church’s and the Congregation’s center is no longer on a particular continent but that the center is in the MISSION. Chevalier's Inspiration is everywhere. (MSC Const. 4 - 5)

The June and August sessions were moments of deep consensus building. Literally of co-creating agendas and priorities together.

And we came to these September days to define the nine (9) points on which we felt we could make decisions. We defined what was essential to be informed. And with a synodal and congregational heart, we have suggested possible strategies so that, in these next two years, we can, as a WHOLE, put into practice actions for the good of the Mission and in search of the transformation we need on the way to the General Chapter 2023. (MSC Const. 225 - 226)

jules motto

From the article sent to us by Chris Chaplin, we learn that an adaptive and transformational leader is aware that the suggested strategy proposed by his group or by himself is perhaps not the one that will be put into practice, but he will know how to adapt to the fact that the best one will be sought in order to achieve the goal, or the end, which is the vital thing because such a leader has the Spirit of collaboration, of co-creation and above all of LISTENING.

The Spirit and the passion for the Mission have guided us in this General Conference to "LET GO" of mentalities and ways of doing things that no longer respond to today's challenges; we are ending this experience trying to open ourselves to what we must "LET COME" and to the future as it emerges.

We continue to be called to be leaders in complex and challenging contexts.

According to Robert J. Bies of Georgetown University, we live in a context of Leadership in a VUCA World. VOLATILITY, UNCERTAINTY, COMPLEXITY, AMBIGUITY.

  • Volatility—The challenge is unexpected and unstable and may be of unknown duration
  • Uncertainty—Lack of information; Change is possible but not a given
  • Complexity—The situation has many interconnected parts and variables; Multicultural and pluralistic societies; Interreligious dynamics
  • Ambiguity—Causal relationships are unclear; Many different interpretations of the data/information

synodal path

But as MSC leaders, we are called to Live our Leadership from what Bill George calls: VUCA 2.0. VISION, UNDERSTANDING, COURAGE, AND ADAPTABILITY.

  • Vision in action—Communicate your vision in one paragraph.
  • Understanding in action—Develop an in-depth understanding of the current environment while also looking to the future; Seek a full spectrum of viewpoints, including dissenters. Dialogue and discernment are keys—practice mindfulness (silence, quiet reflection and journaling).
  • Courage in action—Leaders are "signal senders"—Be confident and bold! Stand up, but never stand-alone! Build alliances within the team and across the organization!
  • Adaptability in action—Make multiple contingency plans.


Following the Pope's words, we need to witness that we are in the same boat, interdependent and interconnected with each other in these next two years, so Matthew 8, 23-26 may give us the confidence to face the future.

 As Jesus got into a boat, his disciples followed him. Suddenly a violent storm came upon the sea so that waves were swamping the boat, but he was asleep. They came and woke him, saying, "Lord, save us! We are perishing!" He said to them, "Why are you terrified, O you of little faith?" Then he got up, rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm.

A quote from Thomas Merton might also help:


You do not need to know precisely what is happening or exactly where it is all going. You need to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment and embrace them with courage, faith, and hope.

So dear Confreres, we invite you to BE synodality, not only to have synodality. We will need intense sharing and living dialogue during these next two years. Synodality is LISTENING, CORRESPONSIBILITY AND PARTICIPATION. Synodality is not just doing what I think.

Synodality is conversion and renewal transformation. It demands new kinds of synergies and a new sense of belongings—a conversion of ourselves as leaders, leaving the ego-systemic traits of our mentality and practices.

Actions will happen from now on if we ALL commit ourselves to make them happen. We need to move from a conflict resolution mentality to a more appreciative approach to challenging situations.

Life and Mission cry out and demand this commitment from us. We want to continue to be leaders with the smell of the sheep. We need to continue to listen to the cry of Mother Earth and the cry of the poor and excluded. Above all, we need to listen to the cry of the confreres who are members of our MSC entities. (MSC Const. 13)

I offer here the words of Peter Drucker: Management is doing things right; Leadership is doing the right things.

Thanks so much to all of you for your participation, feedback, and work you did at home in between sessions. Please, extend our gratitude to the MSC members in your Entities and the people of God who you serve for praying for us during these days.

And may we continue to be the Heart of God on earth, as well as making the Heart of Jesus be loved everywhere.

Thank you very much.

Mario Abzalón Alvarado Tovar, MSC

Superior General

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On behalf of the General Leadership Team: Andre Claessens, Paulus Pitoy, Chris Chaplin y Humberto Henriques