Saturday, 18 September 2021 20:03

Battle Stations


US, 1956, 81 minutes, Black and white.
John Lund, William Bendix, Keefe Brasselle, Richard Boone, Jimmy Lydon.
Directed by Lewis Seiler.

Battle Stations is a routine World War II film coming, perhaps a little surprisingly, 11 years after the end of the war.

It shows the crew of a destroyer preparing for attacking the Japanese fleet. While the film shows something of the detail of the life of the crew, it focuses on the chaplain, Father Joseph McIntire?, a priest role for John Lund. This is his first time on such a ship and finds that his ministry is in support of different members of the crew, one who is resentful because of not being promoted, another who makes mischief, and a third, a pilot who has been injured and wants to get back into action. William Bendix had appeared in many similar films and Richard Boone is at the beginning of his career, Keefe Brasselle being popular at this time.

The film offers familiar material to those who follow or action films in Asia, especially during the war and its immediate aftermath.

The film was directed by a veteran director of many Warner Brothers films in the 1930s, Lewis Seiler.