New Zealand, 2016, 93 minutes, Colour.
Sam Neill, Julian Denison, Rima Te Wiata, Rachel House, Oscar Kightly, Rhys Darby, Taika Waititi.
Directed by Taika Waititi.
Most audiences will enjoy going on this particular hunt. It is a hunt in the mountain wildernesses of New Zealand – and a young boy and his foster uncle are the Wilderpeople being chased around the mountains for months by child welfare authorities, the police and, eventually, Army personnel, just like wildebeests in Africa.
How did it come to this?
The film opens with child welfare authorities bringing 12 year old Ricky Baker to stay with a foster family. The tough officer, Paula (Rachel House), along with her deadpan sidekick, Andy, explains why Ricky Baker is a wild boy, a very humorous collage of his misbehaving. Ricky does a circle of the house and gets back into the car, only to be told that this is his last chance, otherwise juvenile hall. His foster aunt, Bella, is a most genial and loving woman (Rima Tae we are to) but his uncle, Hec, (Sam Neill) is a pretty gruff old character only putting up with a foster boy for his wife’s sake.
It must be said immediately that Julian Denison is completely believable as Ricky Baker, likeable despite his carry on at times, Denison being able to deliver humorous lines with excellent timing. Audiences who saw Paper Planes in 2015 may well remember him as the hero’s best friend. And Sam Neill, returning to home ground, plays very well off Julian Denison.
Something sad happens at the farm and Ricky really doesn’t want to be with his foster uncle, so makes off into the mountains, getting lost, feeling hungry (he is a rotund young fellow) and finally being found by his uncle. Hec want some time off so they go into the mountains. But authorities think something has gone wrong. There are notices out for their capture, eventually a reward.
When they are found by some hunters, Ricky tries to explain and this gives the film some edge as what he says sounds ambiguous and the hunters and the authorities presume that Hec has perverted designs on the boy. There is a hue and cry in the media – although it gets onside when they help a Ranger who has had a diabetes collapse.
The film is enjoyable as we watch the old man and the young boy working together, becoming friends, the boy learning some wisdom (to counteract his propensity for gangster ideas and talk). At one stage, Hec injures his leg and Ricky finds some people living in the bush, a young girl who talks incessantly but pleasantly and her father who is preoccupied with getting some selfies with Ricky.
There is also a funny funeral preaching scene featuring the director, Taika Waititi, who directed Boy and the vampire parody, What we do in the Shadows.
Despite being away for months and in the winter, they eventually get caught, a climax being Ricky driving a car through the bush, crashing through, making the car leap over a road, eventually smashing into a car junkyard.
The final scenes are not as sweetness and light as we might have expected, but, eventually, Ricky goes to the old people’s home where Hec is learning to read, which he couldn’t in the past, and they find somewhere to stay – and go out into the bush to search for a rare bird that Ricky had glimpsed.
This film should entertain New Zealanders, audiences beyond New Zealand – and those who have discovered that they have New Zealand ancestors like this reviewer!
1. New Zealand story? New Zealand atmosphere, characters, accents? The feel of the country and its people? Locations?
2. The film based on a novel, highlighting the different chapters and epilogue? The director, his career and comic flair?
3. The title, the explanation about the wildebeests? The motif of hunting? The forest, the mountains, lakes and rivers? Winter and the snow?
4. The humane story, child welfare, foster parents, relationships? The grandfather figure, called Uncle, and his relationship with the young boy? The film having an extra edge with the theme of molestation?
5. Julian Denison as Ricky Baker, his appearance, manner of speaking, comic timing? Paula and Andy pursuing him, their explaining him, the humorous collage of all his mischief? Somewhat overweight? Bella and her enthusiasm, his walking around the house, getting back in the car, being ordered out, the threat of juvenile detention? Bella and the welcome, Hec and his being standoffish? Going to the house, the meal, going to bed, the impact of the hot water bottle, running away, only 200 metres? Bella bringing him back for breakfast?
6. Bella and her character, warm, motherly, chatting, the fat jokes, fostering, sharing with Ricky, her love for Hec? Hec wanting to be alone? Happy birthday, the cake and the candles, his only birthday, the gift of the dog? Names – Zag, what about Zig? Tupac?
7. Bella’s collapse, Hector weeping, the shock? The funeral, the comic turn from the director as the Minister, his talking about two doors, confectionery, another door, finding Jesus? Hec’s reaction? The ashes in the box – and Bella’s explaining that she came from the high mountains and wanted to finish there? Maori mythology?
8. The prospect, Hec looking after Ricky, Hec not able to? Ricky and his background of gangsters, Scarface, ideals and language? His decision to burn his clothes and figure, the whole hut burning down? Ricky lost, hungry, seeing the bird? His being found? Hec wandering the bush, his explanation of the knack of how to find their way? The insults, Hec falling, injuring his leg, Ricky helping?
9. Wandering the bush, the dogs, camping, managing? Paula and Andy in pursuit, the military coming in, their armour, helicopters, the search? Posting of the reward?
10. The hut, the hunters, knowing who Hec and Ricky were? Ricky and his explanation about Hec’s behaviour – and the misinterpretation, the men thinking Hec as a pervert? This reputation going around? The reaction, the guns, the fight – and the hunters building up their heroism?
11. The media, the headlines, television, the interviews, the commentators and Ricky and Hec becoming celebrities, helping the Ranger with diabetes, that helping their reputations?
12. Hec, his leg, Ricky walking to find help, the house, the young girl, the talking, singing, the sausage, his going to sleep? Her father and all the selfies?
13. Ricky using his wits, to find Hec, going to higher ground and finding water? The knack? The scenes with the boars?
14. The encounter with Psycho Sam, the man and the bush, his hut, posters, conspiracy theories, helmets against the rays, his not having a basement? Giving them the truck?
15. Ricky driving, reckless, the pursuit, the Army site, the manoeuvres with the car, crashing through the fence, the junkyard?
16. Paula and Andy, their characters, in pursuit? Paula and child welfare and always getting the child? Ricky having the gun, Hec giving up, Ricky referring to him as a molester? The hunter, the shots, Hec being wounded? Andy arresting the hunter? Paula catching Ricky? Hec arrested?
17. Ricky in court, his welfare, the young girl and her father accepting him?
18. The year passing, Hec getting out of prison, his past in prison, not being able to read, his vocabulary like majestical, learning to read in prison? At the old people’s home? Ricky arriving, apologising about molesterer, their welcoming Hec – and he and Ricky going out to find the bird?